
What is naegler's test?

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What is naegler's test?




  1. i dn't know abt won't be able 2 answer.sorry.

  2. The Nagler test is a biochemical test that is used to identify organisms which liberate phospholipases (lecithinases) e.g. Clostridium perfringens. The alpha toxin of C. perfringens has phospholipase activity and hence, when grown on a medium containing egg yolk phospholipid, the organism can break down this insoluble triglyceride.

  3. no clue

  4. It ain't cricket!

  5. Nagler test:

    A test once widely used to presumptively identify Clostridium perfringens. It is used less often in today's laboratories because it is not specific for C. perfringens. The Nagler test employs an antitoxin that will neutralize the lecithinase produced by C. perfringens (and three additional Clostridium spp.)

    Ps: You seem to be in the wrong section!

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