
What is nanomedicine?

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is it related to pharmacy?please explain it to me.





  2. Sort of.

    Nanomedicine would involve either manufacturing compounds for medicine, or using nano-sized machines (usually called nanites, or nanobots) which are microscopic.

    This allows them to be able to alter the body, one cell at a time.

    Possible uses include removal of caner cells (the nanites would recognize what is a cancer, and what isn't, then attack just the cancer, thus removing a tumour safely, and more efficiently) operations on small, delicate areas, such as brain, corrective surgery, such as mending broken bones (theoretically, the nanites could be used to fix the gap in the bone using materials in the body, or given to them, for a temporary, or even permanent fix).

    At the moment, it is all just theoretical, and is only seen in science fiction. Though in a year or two, it might be possible.

  3. Practice of medicine and related fields, through nanotechnology: application of nanotechnology to all healthcare! A great breakthrough in the science of medicine!
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