
What is nanotechnology?

by Guest59574  |  earlier

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can it have any adverse effects




  1. Nano is from the Greek meaning dwarf and is technology dealing with the minute.  This could include tiny hydraulic switches in logic circuits or tiny electric 'motors' about the size of molecules.  It also includes new ways of adding molecules together perhaps by alternate layers obtaining properties not possible by using a blender.  Because of the new material properties and questions about their disposal and affects on life, scientists must proceed with special precautions.  However if you added sugar and salt together in layers they would still melt in water to form a harmless solution and with nanotechnology it is perhaps better to be safe than sorry (until each new material is carefully evaluated).

  2. Nanotechnology refers to a field of applied science and technology whose theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, generally 100 nanometers or smaller, and the fabrication of devices or materials that lie within that size range.

  3. any kind of robots or robo-parts that can measure only in nanometric scale... so... for example... if we have some virus inside of some human, nanobots (size is nearly like the size of virus) can destroy it mechaniaclly, chemically or whit some other way...

    adverse effects? if it can find virus and it can destroy means that is very advance and precisious... and when humans start to using it i think that it shoud be not problems...

    but also... check on google for "grey goo"... it is preaty scary...

    on the internet you have realy much about nanotehnology if you wanna more =)

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