
What is narcicism and how to deal with it?

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I just found out after over 8 years of marriage, that my husband was diagnosed with narcicism when he was 17. Now he has always been selfish and very much in love with himself, but what does that exactly mean to be a narcicist. Is there a cure? Not that he would go to therapy or something. We have had problems for a while and I need to know if I am fighting a battle I won't be able to win.




  1. my dad has that!noone is ever good enough for him and stuff!he also most likely has bipolar too!hopefully your husband can get better but i think he needs a LOT of therapy and idt pills will work.good luck!

  2. We are all slightly narcissistic, however these people are over-the-top only able to see things from their point of view and simply don't care about things that don't involve them and their own agenda. I feel badly for you. There is tons of information about this on the internet. Here's a place to start:

  3. Follow the link and good luck with your husband.

  4. Pathological narcissism is an emotional illness.  As such, it's causes are not organic and it can be dealt with in therapy.

    As with any other 'dramatic' behavior, the person has to reach a point where they understand that what they're doing isn't working.  They have to reach a point where they see they have a problem before they get willing to do something about it.  And that requires some help from a person who can guide the curing process - usually a professional.

    Can you "win"?  Probably - when you get to the point where you're no longer willing to accomodate his behavior, you'll put your foot down.  However as long as his behavior isn't causing him any discomfort, he'll have no reason to want anything different.  And, you have a challenge because a narcissist believes himself to be self-contained.  The artificial "love" he showers on himself appears more satisfying than whatever he gets from others.  It can be a long "Road of Ashes" before your husband reaches the point that he aches for your company enough to see that a loving partner is an important part of his growth as an adult.

    Good luck!

  5. If you are asking there is a "cure," as in if you can pop a pill and everything will be okay the answer is no.

    If your husband was diagnosed as a narcissist then that means he has a personality disorder. The only route of treatment is a combination of therapy and prescription drugs, which still will not guarantee a good outcome.

    To better understand this case, you need to realize how he got diagnosed. In order to be diagnosed you need to feature these traits:

       1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance

       2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

       3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique

       4. requires excessive admiration

       5. has a sense of entitlement

       6. is interpersonally exploitative

       7. lacks empathy

       8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

       9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    Narcissists don't thrive in marriages unless there is treatment.

  6. just that you are deeply in love with your own image.

    im not sure if "love" is the word for it but similar, similar

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