
What is needed for the JET program in order to teach in Japan?

by Guest34086  |  earlier

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I really want to go to Japan straight out of high school and take part in a program like the JET program, but I've heard that I need a degree of some kind. I'm 17 right now, take college classes in high school and know a little Japanese, but wouldn't be able to function in Japan perfectly with just the Japanese I know now. If anyone knows what all the requirements are (especially the class requirements, like degrees and all) please answer. Thanks.




  1. You need a four year degree. This is what the Japanese government requires. You also need a work visa. And to get the work visa you need a solid job offer before you get there. With NOVA going bankrupt there's no shortage of teachers.

    Going there straight out of high school isn't possible. Unless you just want to go there and check things out.

    Believe me, visiting there and actually living there are two different things.

  2. Well in order to get a working visa in Japan you need a bachelors degree at min.  So... you may want to try and work a little more in America then hop over there.  I'm planning to do a similar thing, but I'm getting my bach. in English education,  and a minor in Asian studies.    

    I don't know what you need for JET, but you should try to get a bachelors degree first any way, maybe even study abroad for it.  

  3. The requirements for the JET program is no secret. It's right there on the Japanese government's website.

    You need to be a citizen of one of the 41 countries participating in the JET program, and you need a college degree (any degree is really all right). The application deadline tends to be in September, so you need to be committed to the idea by junior year, and put your application in before you start senior year.

    If you can't wait to finish college or find the idea of going to college daunting, you may not be ready to be an English teach anyway. In order to become a regular teacher, you still need a college degree and some more in teacher school.

    There are still ways to work in Japan while in college, namely corporate internships.

  4. All you need is a degree. You don't need to speak a word of Japanese. The 4 year degree is the only thing - the Japanese government will not give you a visa if you don't have a degree.

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