
What is needed to enter in USA & what is the visa process?

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Okay my mother in law's sister (Nada) died back in November. Nada has a 17 year old daughter. The father is a physical therapist and went to the states when the daughter was 3. He remained married to Nada and came in once a year for visits. He never once took his daughter EVER.. My mother in law had to take care of his sick wife and his daughter for 17 years. Okay now that Nada has died, He claims he filed for her to get a VISA back in January. Every time we ask he says, I made the papers, so it is just a wait now. My MIL is old and here in Egypt this girl isn't considered grown until she is 21. We don't believe he has made the papers. We have not heard anything from the US government. Does she have to get a pre entry visa to enter the USA? She has a computer readable passport. Can we just get her a plane ticket and send her there instead of waiting on this so called visa? Can't she just go and they finish up the visa there?

It is time for him to take responsibility.




  1. No! You have apply from country of origin

    for either a visitor's visa or a permanent

    resident visa, at the US embassy in Egypt!

    and wait to be called for an interview, if she

    qualifies for any type of visa, then she will

    be given the OK to travel to the US until then

    she can't enter the US without documents, she will be detained at the airport and deported, if he is in the US and filed for her,

    as a sponsor then it's also a wait for them

    to notify her by mail.  You can call USCIS

    in the US to check on the visa status, that

    way you'll know if he lied, otherwise it is'nt

    wise to buy her a plane ticket to travel to

    the US without either a green card, a student

    visa or a work permit, even a visitor's visa.

    I am a foreigner living in the US as a per-

    manent resident myself and I had to wait

    in Trinidad West Indies to get those papers

    before I travelled to Florida.  Be very care-

    ful what you decide to do with that, you don't

    want to muddy her chance of ever entering

    America, in the event she should be deport-

    ed.  The laws have changed here, because

    of the terrorism from foreign nationals, enter

    ing the airport, the Department of Homeland

    security is very up on foreign nationals.

    Tel for USCIS in the USA.

    1-800-375-5283- United States Citizen and

    Immigration Services,  to check on the

    status of an application, they will conect you

    to the said department.

    If there's an application pending they will let

    you know, or if there is no such thing they

    will also let you know.  Just give them her name and the sponsor's name if he is a

    relative they will see this immediately from

    computer records.  The form that is used for

    filing for a permanent resident card is called

    I-130 - Petition for Alilen Relative, if he said

    he filed for her papers then that's the form

    used, and USCIS will have it on records.

    You can also visit the USCIS website at: Hope this helps! also check

    with the US Embassy in Egypt for any in-

    formation on that.

  2. No, the daughter needs a visa of some sort to go to the US. Either an immigrant visa or a visitor's visa if she wants to visit and return. It does take USCIS, or US immigration some time to process an immigrant petition even if the father is now an American citizen, up to a year for a child under 21, since there is such a backlog of people who also have petitions. If he only has a green card, or legal residence, it will take 5 years before the petition can be used. But there really isn't any way for you to know if he actually filed the papers or not. He would be the person with the only proof that it has been filed.  

    However, she can't go to the US without a visa, she won't even be allowed  on the airplane, as most governments charge airlines thousands of dollars for brining in someone without a  proper visa. She can't go to the US and wait for her immigrant visa either. There is no such thing as a pre-entry visa for the US.   That is not the way US immigration law works.

  3. sneak  into mexico and climb over/under the fence in u.s.&  then boom

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