
What is needed to hire a locksmith to install a deadbolt.

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I need to install a deadbolt in my door. I want to buy a deadbolt that both matches my current door handle (finish, color, etc) as well as one which I can use the same key for both locks. Can I just go to home depot and pick up and lock, or are there certain features that I need to look for specifically? Also does anyone have a general idea of how much this service will cost? Thank you in advance!




  1. You can do this yourself if you are handy. You will have to purchase a lock hole kit (in the drill section at Home Depot). The guy selling locks will help you to purchase the correct dead bolt and re key it. The dead bolt has a template inside to help you locate the correct spot on the door to drill it. It's pretty easy, if I can do it you can too.

  2. your best bet, to avoid multiple trips and buying the wrong deadbolt is to take your current door lock to a locksmith and tell him what you are trying to do. both locks have to be the same 'keyway'(key type) to use a single key. the locksmith shop will have the right deadbolt and be able to key both alike, and can price out installing it.

    --- Edit:

    you can try to take the key to HD, but am not sure they know how to re-key a deadbolt, let alone know what a keyway is.

    the locksmith shop will have\know everything you need: a one-stop shop. just realize there is more to installing a deadbolt than just drilling 3 holes, you have to mortise for the latchbolt faceplate and the strike.

    Hope that helps.

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