
What is next after Clomid?

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I have been on Clomid for 3 month, but i have moved house so they have told me to change my hospital so its closer for me, but they were going to put me on 100mg for 3 month has any1 had anything different or what happens after that doesn't work? I don't know if i can have IVF!! i have been trying for 3 years and i have the ovulation problem but i am 22 so don't know if i will get it on the NHS. Please help




  1. I was on Clomid for 7 cycles.  When you go to the new hospital they could continue Clomid for a few more cycles.  There isn't much more they will do for you at the moment.

    I have been trying to conceive from getting married at 19.  I've just turned 23 (the minimum age for IUI, IVF etc on the NHS) and I had my first IUI last week.  The hospital will do all the extra tests you will need in prep for the treatment but you won't get treated on the NHS until 23 (unless you want to fund treatment yourself)'s not that far away.

    Good luck with TTC xOx

    P.S. Don't make people think you are too young for the treatment!  You deserve to be a parent, if you are in a stable relationship and have been TTC for a long time!  Also, you are the perfect age for treatment, as you get older chances of conceiving get slimmer.

  2. well i have pcos and my dr said the treatment plan would be the following: (i made him tell me lol)

    this is in order of if that failed

    clomid - 100mg -

    clomid 150mg

    clomid & metformin together  normally 6 cycles of clomid all together

    then 2 or 3 iuis

    then we would have 1 go at ivf

    then thats it but ive thought about it already and if none of this works i'll do egg sharing to reduce the cost of ivf next time

    good luck hun xxxxx

    also try

  3. This may not be the answer you are expecting but .... you are still young and it seems like too early to resort to extream mesures like IUI, IVF or even clomid for that matter...try to speak with your doctor to find out the cause of your ovulating problem... if it is soemthing like PCOS trying overcoming that first... you are still young and the life ahead awaits you...I married at 26 and have been trying for 3 years now and only after I turned 29 and looked back at my life I realised that I should not worry too much... went on clomid for one cycle... was successful the first time itself but miscarried after just one week.... stop worrying .  Even if you want to have a IUI or an IVF give it more time... as I learnt clomid could have sever side effects while being successful at the same time.... my family doc even opposed my  gyn's decision to put me on clomid.... I know it's hard when you really want to have a child and especially when everybody else around you are getting pregnant ... in my case, both my sister and sister - in-law are preganant including the two cousins who are married....I do feel like "why not me, everybody else is getting pregant"... but then again life is too short to waste on lamenting .... think this over, talk with your partner and doctor and decide... It's hard when you keep hopes and then loose them.... It's been over two weeks since my miscaraige... but still can't stop the feeling of emptiness ....good luck and lots of love

  4. I will also be doing my three month cycle next month, then after that they will then review it.  I also wanted to know what the step would be.  I think that it depends on what the NICE guidelines will offer you (dependent on your area) if you are on the NHS.  I have not heard of being too young for fertility treatment......?

    If you can, call your nurse who'll be able to give you some advice on what the next available is.

    Anyway, its easy for people to say 'your young, time is on your side.....' but the truth is that your the one going through it all and fertility treatment is very hard to deal with.

    If you do have to wait till your 23, its only a year anyway.  xxxxx

  5. I am 30 and am having PCOS, we have been TTC for 4 1/2 yrs now. I was put on Clomid and Metformin and injectable's. Started with 50mg then 100mg and have had atleast over a dozen cycle now. You are still very young i would say its good that ur already seeking for a fertility treatment now itself. This is a long process going through fertility treatment. Wish you all the best of luck. Stop stressing, i know its hard not to...In most cases things only happen when u stop thinking abt it.  

  6. There are many fertility treatment options between Clomid and IVF.  Hopefully you will find great doctors at the new hospital.

    Just to give you some things to research, there are other medications like Femara which are similar to Clomid and help with ovulation, FSH injections, IUI's . . . and all of this is less invasive and less expensive than IVF.

    Good luck and baby dust!

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