
What is niburu in a nutshell and what effects can it cause?

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  1. Nutshell? hmm well I think Nibiru is a planet that is in another solar system than ours, but passes through ours every 3,600 years causeing catostaphic events like Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Hurricanes, etc. Its supposed to 8 times the size of Earth and when it gets close enough the gravity will stop the Earth completely for several days. this is what caused the great flood and seperated the contenents from Pangea to 7 different continents. If my calculations are correct in 1962 this planet was 60 billion miles away, now in 2008 it 7 billion miles away. take a lok at our changing weather. That should answer a few questions for ya. these little earthquakes in china and hurricanes in texas are just a preview of whats to come when Nibiru is to pass through our solar system. Our government has already prepared for it. Do some research on the Denver International Airport that was built in 1995. Why was it built when the Stapleton was in perfect shape. Should we prepare ourselves for this or keep chillin until its too late?

  2. Nothing and none.

  3. Total nonsense.

    Heard of it? Every ******* day. 10,000 times a day.

  4. As has already been stated - Nibiru is a myth!

    If it was out there we would have detected it by now.

    It should be bright in the infrared, and we have mapped the sky using satellites for infrared several times.

    It does not exist!

    Therefore it cannot cause any effects (except unfounded hysteria by an uncritical populace).

    This will probably get worse if Roland Emmerich really makes his movie "2012"


  5. Have you been to your local library?  Perhaps there is a reason the library has nothing about Nibiru.  What could that reason be?  I'll be nice and tell you since I'm a librarian and it is our calling to spread knowledge and fight the forces of ignorance..  There is no Nibiru.  Because there is no such planet it can have no effects.   Quo Erat Demonstrandum.

  6. Most Nibiru claims are pure and unfiltered Hogwash...

  7. Niburu is an imaginary planet based on Zechariah Sitchin's mistranslation of a Sumerian text (in which Niburu  referred to the planet Jupiter). It has since been adopted by various would-be prophets of doom. It failed to destroy the Earth in 2003, so has been resurrected for 2012, to tie in with various misinterpretations and sheer fantasies loosely based on the old Mayan calendar.

    It can cause considerable silliness among those unaccustomed to critical thinking.

  8. Niburu is a conspiracy theory that has no scientific merit.  It does not exist and all the videos promoting it on YouTube or elsewhere are misinformed.  Side effects could be, stupidity, moronicness, temporary blindness, delusion, psychosis, involuntary vomiting, indigestion, headaches, and diarrhea.

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