
What is non profit organization?

by  |  earlier

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how to they get their money? how would i pay the staff if i wanted to start a non profit organization and i dont have much money and no collaterals would the goverment support me? cause i really wanted to open a group home for (mentally disabled people) ... cause deep inside my heart i really want to make a change ...




  1. A non-profit organization is a business that provides a service in a community whose goal is not to profit.  Such as a church or a  hospital.  They get their money from grants and various funding through charities, state or the government.  When it comes to payroll and other expenses a good line of credit will be beneficial just in case government or other funders funds are limited.  Budjeting is the key.  Just do alot of research in the mentally diababled and the various funders that support it and go from there.  Good luck

  2. What a noble goal.  However this is not a unique idea, and there are many such homes in operation around.  I recommend that you find one that is local to you, and apply there first as a volunteer so you can see what is required to run such a home, learn how they obtain their funding and gain practical experience that will be of great use to you if you intend to pursue this field as a career.  In addition, such a facility would greatly appreciate your assistance, and you would be doing work to make sure that the patients get the best possible care.

  3. A nonprofit organization is a business. It's board of directors are volunteers -- unpaid. The staff can be paid -- they report to the board of directors. A nonprofit organization is ruled by its mission statement, rather than a profit motive.

    A nonprofit gets its money from selling products or services (these must relate to the mission of the organization), from contracts with the government or businesses to provide a certain service, and from donations and grants.

    To start a nonprofit, you first need to get a very impassioned group of people together who support your idea and will provide some start up funding and serve on the board of directors, you need to get letters of endorsement from existing organizations saying this program is needed, you need to have data that shows your target group is in need whatever service it is that you want to provide and that they are not served otherwise, you need to have profiles of your staff showing they have experience and expertise, and you need to have a draft of what your first year's budget would look like (what expenses you expect to incur, what you expect to pay staff, etc.). You aren't going to have any money until you have donors, and you aren't going to have any donors until you have a viable, solid business plan for your nonprofits first five year's of existence. At some point, you need to decide if you are going to be a member of the board (and, therefore, not paid), or if you are going to be, say, the Executive Director, reporting to the board (and you can be paid -- and fired -- by the board).

    And then there's the paperwork:

    Starting a Nonprofit Organization

    (one of my favorite resources)

    Starting a Non-Profit

    Checklist- The Things You Must Do to Start a Nonprofit Organization

    IRS Tax Information for Charitable Organizations

    A better idea would be for you to volunteer for a nonprofit organization that serves people with disabilities, to get a degree in something relating to services for people with disabilities, and once you are qualified, to get a paid job with a nonprofit organization providing such services. Later, when you have experience, you could think about starting your own organization, IF there is a need for such.  

  4. I can tell you most no-profits spend a lot of time securing funding.

    Unless you are good at Administration (running things) might be better off working for someone else..and enjoying the hands on..and being able to leac=ve it at night.

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