
What is non renewable resources?

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What is non renewable resources?




  1. Welll if you cut a tree down you can grow a new one.  

    If you take metal out of the ground you can melt it and reuse it.

    If you kill a cow its offspring will live and have more offspring.

    If you use water you can filter it.

    Everything on Earth is technically renewable but sometimes we use things faster than they can renew.  We can figure out how to renew them faster or use something that we aren't using.

  2. Something that cant be broken down IE plastic

  3. Nonrenewable energy sources come out of the ground as  liquids, gases and solids. Right now, crude oil (petroleum) is the only naturally liquid commercial fossil fuel. Natural gas and propane are normally gases, and coal is a solid. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and propane are all considered fossil fuels because they formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.  Uranium ore, a solid, is mined and converted to a fuel.  Uranium is not a fossil fuel.   These energy sources are considered nonrenewable because they can not be replenished (made again) in a short period of time.  Renewable energy sources can be replenished naturally in a short period of time.

  4. Pretty much anything pulled directly from the Earth -- oil, coal, most minerals, metals, etc.

    When the topic of non renewable resources comes up it is most often in reference to the energy debate.  We can't put any more dinosaurs in the ground so eventually coal, oil and natural gas resources will be depleted.  Many think we have already past the peak of the bell curve on the oil remaining in the planet (see link below).

    The choice now is to turn to renewable resources such as solar, wind and even tidal power.

  5. Coal, Oil, Gas, precious metals......basically anything  you can't grow back or replace infintely  

  6. Non renewable resources are energy sources that can not be replenished in a short period of time because they take millions of years to form.

    Examples are fossil fuels like coal, oil, petroleum and natural gas.

    You can read more about non renewable energy here:

  7. A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made, re-grown or regenerated on a scale comparative to its consumption. It exists in a fixed amount that is being consumed or used up faster than it can be made by nature. Fossil fuels (such as coal, petroleum and natural gas) and nuclear power are non-renewable resources, as they do not naturally re-form at a rate that makes the way we use them sustainable and consumer materials to produce electricity. A renewable resource differs in that it may be used but not used up. This is as opposed to natural resources such as timber, which re-grows naturally and can, in theory, be harvested sustainably at a constant rate without depleting the existing resource pool and resources such as metals, which, although they are not replenished, are not destroyed when used and can be recycled. It is a resource that can not be re-used

    A non-renewable resource is always drawn down with anabolic processes that use up energy.

    For more info you can go to

  8. renewable is like solar, wind, and hydro-electric power. These are power that come from nature. It's like free energy. Coal, oil, gas, and stuf is non-renewable because it pollutes. ~MaDiSoN

  9. Oil, coal, natural gas.  People are coming out with solar panels to actually cut down the use of oil and coal.  But I don't really find it realistic.  In some countries, this idea works.  But in small countries like Singapore, there's basically no place to place solar panels!

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