
What is nontraceable cash??? and what can it be used for????

by  |  earlier

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i need an answer please!!!!!




  1. All monies from the mint are tracable to the bank it was shipped to.any large money transaction can be traced to the indivdual,that withdrew from the bank.Monies that are out in the public not so much.if you take 5k and go to different businesses,and exchange a hundred for five twenties.and do this to the whole 5k.that 5k is know longer tracable to One the money can be used in any transaction.Say you buy drugs with the money,and the dealer is popped.the cash you gave him cannot be traced back to you.

  2. Otherwise known as "laundered money".

    Most common way is offshore account that cannot be traced back to owner of money.

    It can be used as any other cash, as long as the IRS doesn't question your source of "unreported income"

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