
What is normal? Who is normal? What does normal mean?

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I mean who's to say what normal is? Everybody is different so what's normal to one may not be normal to another. Of course normality is based on the higher percentage, but who's to say that higher percentage isn't normal?

Do you consider yourself to be normal? If everyone were normal they'd all be the same. no uniqueness or any type of interesting.......

U can get technical, you can be hypothetical, you can get mythological, and you can be logical but really what IS NORMAL????




  1. The word normal can be used for many different reasons,

    of course everyone is different,you don't have to apply the word  "normal" to people

    normal just has to do with the average of things,or anything that's common

    for example

    medical, if you are throwing up blood everyday,your health is not normal


    People have there own opions to what they think is normal.. Its vanity!!

    Why is a disable child not normal!! becuase they look different?? or the way in which they act!!

    if everybody is different then were not all the same therefore noone is normal.

  3. Normal is conforming to the standard or the common type. Society  defines what the "norms" are for everyone. It is a collective complex decision. For example; divorce, homosexuals, tatoos etc. A few decades ago it was unthinkable to do it is considered normal and acceptable by many. Things change with time. It is up to our generation to set limits to the next and son on. We have the power to change things. If people would never rebel and stand up for what they believe against what others consider "normal" then we would still have slavery, no women rights, and many other things we take for granted. People are all unique no mater how you put it. Normal, I think is a means to categorize behavior. How you react to the events of your life says alot about who you are therefore giving room to be labeled as normal or abnormal behavior.

  4. I consider no one or nothing to be normal.

  5. Normal is whats socially accepted in your area. It differs from area to area because different places can have differnt vaules, cultures etc.

    That being said, a lot of people may be considered normal.

    However I dont think thre is such thing as normal on a personal level, because everyone thinks, and acts differntly. Everyone has thier own morals and beliefs.

  6. Society views normal people to be those who live moral lives.

  7. those are very ambiguous questions you've got there.  whoever you ask, everyone will have different answers and their own opinions

  8. there is no such thing as normal.

    everyone is weird in their own way.

  9. There's no such thing as normal. But what the term is meant as today, I'd consider myself to be "normal". A definition of normal is

    "conforming with or constituting a "norm", standard, level, type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature";  

  10. There is no such thing as normal you naiive child! People, as children, establish a groundwork for how everybody should act and call it normal, and any person who does not meet the requirements is a social outcast. I know a jerk who thought he was the one to create the rules, and he STILL hasnt' found out what a parasite on society he is!

  11. i think i'm deep when i'm high too

  12. normal is simply not being a freak and breaking laws of nature that god created from the first place.. of course every single person is different than the other but you can be normal just by not being a freak and what i mean by a freak is not like a dork or something i mean like being a freak by your own will like being into the heavy music and stuff or being a bisexual,homosexual,L*****n or anything else.. thats whats freak.. and by just avoiding all those kinds of things you can be normal even if you have a weird personality..everyone has something weird in him but the bases you build yourself upon is what can make you a normal person..and being normal doesn't interfere with being a special person..actually thats the foundations of being special...because then you can feel good about yourself..

    unfortunately 'normal' is disappearing from this world every generation after the other..the world has built a new normal for himself which has blinded the new generations and thats how it goes on and on and thats whats really sad..

  13. There is no normal

  14. im definately NOT normal! normal is SO boring! who would want 2 b normal wen u can have so much more fun being a freak?!  XD

  15. normal is NOT CRAZY. usually the normal people think they are crazy and the crazy people think they are normal. aint that funnay?

  16. their is no normal when you talk about a person

  17. There is no such thing as normal.  Everyone is weird in their own way.  I think what you are thinking of as "normal" is really defined as what is socially acceptable.  So people with a single "different" behavior are mostly accepted as "normal".  But you are absolutely right.  If normal meant we were all the same, life would be terribly uninteresting.  And no, I'm not normal and basically I'm proud of being unique!  

  18. I guess "normal" is the majority. Then again normality is normal to one person is unique/strange/quirky to another....As one culture appears strange to another....So then normality could be said to be.....the label one group of people apply to something they feel comfortable with.  

  19. im not normal. im weird. Your confusing me.

  20. It is all opinion, I think that I am normal but that is my opinion.  Many people just get caught up thinking that only people like themselves are normal.  But I guess that we are all abnormal in our own ways, depending on who's point of view we are looking from.

  21. I really hate that word. hah! Normal. Who is normal? I think normal would be a baby born with 2 arms and 2 legs and 10 fingers and 10 toes, 2 ears, 2 eyes, 1 mouth, and all cute. Thats my version of normal. But then again there is nothing wrong not being born like that. Normal is so stupid of a word. Normal would be something happening the way it should happen. IDK ITs so hard to explain.

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