
What is normal behavior for a 12 year old boy? 10 year old girl? 6 year old boy?

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I would like to see a chart or something of basic "normal" behaviors of children. Any thoughts or links?




  1. that would vary alot , i would say they enjoy watching telly or movies and playing computer games and reading  , being creative painting ,making stuff , sometimes int sport or like swimming

  2. Kids are not "normal" in general.  Especially these days.  If you find any "normal" kids, let me know.  Most of the ones I've met are pretty weird.

  3. 10 year old girl -

    Starting to hit puberty so can be kind of on the clumsy

    side after hitting the growth spurt.

    Can be emotional due to dealing with

    hormonal changes.

    Starting to show interest in boys, but acts much more

    interested in front of friends than she actually is.

    Reading at an adult level.  Writing is

    starting to show real organization.  Can

    write a story with a beginning, middle, and end

    with characters and all.

    Very into Webkinz and being with her

    friends as much as possible.

    Socially just starting to form 'real friend'

    groups.  They are no longer friends with

    the whole class.

  4. There are no "normal" behaviors for children.  All children grow and devlelop at their own pace, because they are all individuals.

  5. 12 year old boy:

    Likes girls

    Is into tv,video games,skateborardning,hanging outside.

    10 year old girl:

    Likes dolls,boys,talks alot,bikes.

    6 year old boy:

    Likes to do what his older brother does,video games,outside things.

    I hope this helped


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