
What is normal blood pressure and heart rate?

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I have low pressure 90/60ish and pulse is 80ish lately I have been 117/76 and 97. Dotors tell me not to worry but I feel sick. Any ideas?




  1. Those are perfectly normal blood pressures and heart rates.

    Normal blood pressure ranges:  

    Top # 90-140

    Bottom # 60-90

    117/76 is great.  90/60 is good but shouldn't get much lower.  The last time I went to the MD my BP was 88/60's.  I was a little dehydrated so that might have had something to do with it.  My normal BP is 110/70 and my HR runs in the 70's all the time.

    edit: Heart rate normal is 60-100

    Count your heart rate *(feel your pulse in your neck) for 1 minute and that's your heart rate.  Do this when you're sitting still and calm.

    * only feel one side of your neck at a time.

  2. Normal Blood Pressure, or Optimal Blood Pressure for an adult is 120/80.  However, doctors do not usually worry if it is slightly lower and for athletes, 90/60 is considered normal.  Also if you are 18 or younger 90/60 is considered normal.  If you are feeling lightheaded or dizzy or sick at all though then you may need to see your doctor again.

  3. 110 is considered low normal and 140 is considered high normal for systolic blood pressure (top number) ... not 90! Not many signs other than feeling weak, light headed esp. going from sitting to standing, if your blood pressure is low and the body is having a hard time the heart rate will race to compensate.  You should have your doctor check your blood count *if you have anemia your pressure could be low* ... are you on any medications? normal heart rate is 55-90.

    hope this helps.


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