
What is north america's most deadliest spider?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friends have found a lot of stuff on youtube about spiders and we came up with this question. What spider is the most deadly, not just venomous either. We also want to know what spider can disfigure you the most.




  1. Brown Recluse, and Black Widow.

    About Daddy Longlegs:

  2. first is the brown recluse i think, which is EXTREMELY dangerous. i guess it can 'disfigure you the most', because supposedly it is the most venomous.

    other people say the black widow is the most poisonous, but i think it's actually second. they're really deadly, i think one bite if untreated can even kill you. i ran into one the other day. scary!!!

    i haven't read this all, but it looks like a great link to read about the injuries etc.:

  3. Brown recluse. The brown recluse, I think can cause your tissue around which it bit to rot and become necrotic. Another scary thing is that it is supposedly feelingless, and only after the venom is in effect can you feel it. Black widows are close to most dangerous, but they cause no permanent damage, although they give you serious pangs of pain. Thankfully, the black widows are awfully shy and will drop from its web at the slightest agitation. Brown recluses, unlike black widows, leave its web frequently to search for prey, only retreating in the daytime, therefore is much more risky to get bitten by a brown recluse. Their distribution is small, however.

    This is a site that shows what happens if you get bitten by a recluse and you don't do much for 9 days.

  4. There are two spiders in North America that are equally dangerous and can kill humans..the Brown Recluse and the Black widow.

  5. The Black Widow

  6. daddy longlegs is the deadliest but they dont have mouths big enough to bite us...... so dont have to worry bout them

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