
What is now the best thing for me to do?

by Guest57394  |  earlier

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Methane is the main raw material, the higher the purity, the better..

What did you mean when you said "it's not usable on that form" on your answer a while ago?..

If I am to utilize NG, do I have to seperate first the methane gas from other impurities before proceeding to MSR?..




  1. I wondered if you were wanting LNG because of its purity. Note that pipeline quality gas is pretty clean, but probably marginal for industial use as a chemical. Most industrial users do use methane straight from pipelines.

    First, google "natural gas processing". It tells what impurities are, how to remove.

    Second, google "pipeline quality" or something similar - you should learn the phrases in reading the NG processing literature.

    So, gas you would buy would be pipeline quality. You could perhaps pay more to have the original processor clean the gas more, but it probably gets impurities as it goes through the pipeline anyway. Pipeline qualitiy is probably lower in the PI's, but I would just go with the published numbers for that for a project.

    I have no idea how ChemE's determine what quality of inputs they need. You're on your own there. If you can't live with the pipeline quality NG, you would have to re-process the gas to whatever quality you need.

    You could do a dual cryo plant with heat exchanger, but this is going to be way more costly than standard processing. The google search indicates how the gas is cleaned.

    If I were building a plant, I would probably buy a complete processing unit from a subcontractor; you might be able to get an estimate from one of them.

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