
What is obsession? How does it come into being? Is there such a thing as a healthy obsession?

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You can compare and or contrast with love/lust etc.




  1. An obsession of any kind is harmful. An obsession is when you feel like you have to do something and you can't stop thinking about it. If you do have an obsession and can't seem to quit all you have to do is make yourself stop. When you start thinking about it you have to force your brain down another path. It will be hard at first, but have you heard the term mind over matter! well whatever you think is tangible and is created into matter via energy waves. You just have to trick yourself into thinking differently.

  2. GWS is an unhealthy/healthy obsession for me depends on the day.

  3. Obsessions are experiences or activities that ignite the "emotional sensors" in the brain. You know... that part of the brain that says "That was great! lets do it again!!" OR "I'll never forget that and I can't stop thinking about it".

    And after doing it or thinking about it enough times and getting pleasure out of it each time, or some other unique feeling like hate or anger... it becomes an obsession.

    Healthy? NO... obsessions are never healthy because they take a degree of CONTROL away from us. The more control you have in life the better off you are.

  4. I think it's a perfume by Calvin Klein, probably made in a factory.

  5. OBSESSION. A compulsive idea or feeling that persistently urges the performance of some act that is often contrary to what a person knows is the rational or right thing to do

  6. Some people like to call interests and hobbies "obsessions", but I don't think that's exactly accurate. To me, a true obsession is about something that you are "compelled" to do whether you want to or not vs something that you really want to do of your own free will, and what truly makes you happy.  

    So I'd say there is not such a thing as a healthy obsession.

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