
What is off track greyhound betting?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Grey hound betting has many technical terms that are completely new for novice bettors. Can you help me know, what is meant by an off track greyhound betting?




  1. All simulcast wagering at the Greyhound Park and Event Center is done through a process known as "Co-Mingling." This means that all wagers made at out facility are combined, or "mingled" with those at the track you are wagering on.

    This allows for patrons at Greyhound Park and Event Center to share in the multi-thousand dollar pools of tracks offered through the simulcast network. By co-mingling wagers you can bet into a number of large pools at tracks across the nation, share in the large payoffs and never leave the comfort of our facility.

    Co-mingling also gives patrons a chance at the large carry-over pools that build up from time to time. With the option of playing these pools, the Tri-Super, Pick 6 and Twin Trifecta patrons have the opportunity to score HUGE cash payoffs

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