
What is older, bacteria or a virus?

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  1. Bacteria are older, having evolved long before eukaryotic viruses.  (Which are NOT more complex than bacteria; they are much simpler).

    Bacteria can reproduce on their own; viruses can't, so viruses couldn't have come first.

    If you include bacteriophages as viruses, still - the bacteria had to come first because the phages need the bacteria to reproduce.

  2. bacteria

  3. It is often posited that bacteria evolved first, since viruses are unable to reproduce individually, needing a host to reproduce in.

    From this, we can obviously assume that bacteriophages are newer than bacteria, and also that all human viruses are newer than humans, which are newer than bacteria.

    This reasoning pretty much extends to explain that bacteria are older than viruses.

  4. Bacteria has been around since the formation of the world... virus' have not

  5. Bacteria, a virus is much more complex.

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