
What is on dab?

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not everything is dab is it or will it be one day if so when?

will we all have to go dab




  1. US or UK? Sorry, answer could be different. In the US the digital radio effort has been completely mismanaged, so I'm ot even sure you'll be able to get it in a couple of years - though all television in the US must be digital in a couple of years - so  who knows?

    They used engineering types almost exclusively and didn't ask any marketing people how to position the service. It's a mess.

    I understand things are better in the UK?

    -a guy named duh

  2. depends where you like like DUH said,

    check the link enter your post code if in the UK and it will tell you what is in your area

    regards x kitti x

  3. its a fish
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