
What is on his private part?

by  |  earlier

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My friend has these little clear pimples going around the head of his p***s. Then a year later he started having some kind of wart- looking things growing on the p***s. He is too scared to go to a doctor. I had unrotected s*x with him before I knew, and as soon as I found out, I went to get a pap- smear and blood test, but it came out normal, and I don't have anything abnormal down there and we did it more than like ten times. What do you think he might have and do you know how he could fix it?




  1. genital warts are very very common and thats prob what it is. but to be on safe side, he should go get std check and get the pimples checked by a doc to make sure they aint herpes or anything else like that.

  2. dWell, your friend has a medical condition so he needs medical advice.

    But he is embarrassed about it. What would the doctor think? I'll tell you what the doctor would think -- he'd think him quite silly for not asking about it sooner. Doctors are not going to make any judgemental decisions about him.  their business is to help people and it is obvious for your friend that a bit of help would go a long way in securing for him a lifetime free of fear about being rejected over what is probably  rather all too common condition. Ask him to discuss it with is G.P. who will give him advice without, probably, even having to inspect him. Men are so very modest in this side of their lives. Unfortunately for them, this is a serious handicap to getting proper treatment. He may be worried that he will embarrass himself by getting an erection while being examined. That can happen. Don't worry. His doctor will have had to have examined many of those before. When you've seen one, you've seen them all. There will be nothing

    special about your boyfriend.

  3. aids

  4. and you call him a friend? wow theres a lot of whores these days

  5. You don't know how to spell unprotected s*x

  6. thats herpes to the max!

  7. Idk but don't sleep with him again : (

  8. genital warts. not that uncommon. it is contagious so i would watch out. There are lots of meds for it but they usually just reduce the amount there are

  9. if it's a wart looking thing, it's probably genital warts... he should get that checked out by a doctor.  it could always be something more serious.

  10. it could be fordyce spot...check out the link...

  11. He could have HPV (Human Papillomavirus)  which is genital warts. Which can take a few months for any sign of infection to occur.

    Make sure you get tested because some strains of HPV can cause cervical cancer, which is why it a good idea for younger women and teens to get the HPV vaccine.

    Here is some good info on genital warts. BTW, hopefully you don't have it and if you do, it's not the end of the world.

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