
What is on the other end of a black hole.

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does it contain other galaxies. is there an end to a blackhole




  1. hey did ur mom play halo with u yet? u can message me

  2. Well to begin with a black hole is not a hole in the sense of the ordinary use of the word.  A blackhole is actually an enormously massive object-so great that the gravity it produces will attract everything near it- including light.

    But for the sake of argument, as you enter into a black hole you will eventually reach its singularity.  The singularity is the point reached where all physical laws fail.  In other words, nobody knows what is there and what happens there.

    So nobody knows.

  3. It's wrong to think of a black hole as having "ends."  At the center of the black hole is a singularity, a zero-dimensional collapsed star that has no height, no width, and no length - but plenty of mass.  The gravitational distortion produced by the Universe's attempt at division by zero results in a region where nothing can escape, not even light - all is sucked into the center of the black hole, where it is crushed out of existence by the singularity.

  4. Singularity, nothing, or possible a portal to another universe called a Rosenthal-Einsteinian bridge.

  5. Nothingness!

  6. Oblivion

    on approaching a black hole the tidal forces due to its intense gravitational field will simultaneous squish and stretch out anything headed towards it!

  7. There is no other end. A black hole is just a very dense mass, like a planet or star but much denser. Infinitely dense in theory.

    You are probably thinking of a worm hole or a white hole. I never really understood how thay came up with those ideas, but nothing like it has ever been observed in reality.

  8. The term "black hole" is a misnomer. There is no other end, any more than there is another end of the Sun. A black hole is simply a massive star that collapsed under it's own mass . The result is a star so dense that it's gravitational field is so strong that not even light can't escape.

  9. Oprah's face

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