
What is one Food or say a Vice?

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that you may have had to give up as a Senior for health reasons, that you would love to eat again? Or one thing you have given up that just for one day you would love to have again ?




  1. Right now, I can eat anything and that is my problem, nothing bothers me ,  but  it doesn't do my waist line any good.

  2. h**l, I'm not a senior, but I've had to give up (or at least severely curtail) my salt intake because of my high blood pressure.  Cheetos.  Soy sauce.  Triscuits.  French fries.  Pretty much half the things in the world that taste good.

  3. Mostly sweets Have to watch my waist line lol I WOULD LIKE A BANANA SPLIT RIGHT NOW

  4. i always enjoyed my after dinner cigar and still think they were the greatest -- if i live to 80 -- or become disabled i will start enjoying them again!!!

  5. Being diabetic I gave up sugar but along came Splenda and all was well and satisfied my sweet tooth but two years ago I had to give up salt.

    I do believe without salted popcorn for Christmas, I will surely die. lol

    I promised myself that I could treat myself to popcorn for Christmas and I'll be anxiously awaiting Christmas for the next 4 months.

    Salt is VERY hard to give up.


  6. Any type of spicy food I cannot tolerate.  I love spicy foods, but they don't love me.  I love chili and ribs that have a kick, but no more.  I sure do miss them though!

  7. Cookie dough! It's wrong for too many reasons to count.

  8. hi , i have been very fortunate that i have not had to give up anything .

    hubby on the other hand is diabetic , and he REALLY misses having his snacks and treats .

    have a good evening . d.

  9. luckily Pagan, nothing yet! food is my vice! especially anything Dark chocolate!

  10. Hi Pagan, nothing. But I am addicted to salt which being my age I know is not good for me. I eat everything I find tasty which IS everything. My hubby will out live me I know because he is a wise man. He has already cut back on salt and fried foods. He loves veggies and he can go with out meat at meals. The only thing is with all the good food around, I am getting round myself. Fluffy, not fat. Poppy

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