
What is one archaeological study that involves alexander the great?

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What is one archaeological study that involves alexander the great?




  1. Where was Alexander The Great buried??

    There are various theories, but so far, nothing has been found.

    How is it that the body of one of the most important figures in history cannot be located?  He & Cleopatra are both missing!

    Phyllis G.

  2. The excavations of the Temple at Siwa Oasis is one.

    This is the temple that Alexander the Great visited to consult the oracle, and the answer to the question of whether or not he was 'divine' was given to him here by the priests of Zeus-Amon.

    Excavations at Siwa are searching for his tomb.

    There are many archaeological sites that relate to Alexander,

    as he conquered the Persian Empire.  The sites range from Pella, Macedonia east to India, west to Egypt, north to Afghanistan and south to Arabia.

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