
What is one bad character u r afraid to be in you?

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What is one bad character u r afraid to be in you?




  1. 1-Denying the responsibilities to my family and friends for my sake

    2- to be snob

  2. lying.

    I can't lie i can't i can't so thats the very bad character.


  3. the cruel one.. cause sometimes it shows and this really annoying me, and trying to rip it off me!

  4. getting mad easily an quick for nothing because it runs in my family an being that my whole family(including cousins,uncles,and aunts) they get mad so quick ya3ni if we were driving an some one is going to slow my cousin or who ever,gets mad so quick but i think its common with every body esspecially if you drive in egypt.Being that theres so many drivers there,theres more accidents.

    but as i was saying people in my family like my mom she gets mad for nothing sometimes an my dads the oppisite masha'Allah he is very patient kind of person an so far 7amdulilah im some what patient but im the only one of all my brothers an my sister thats the best one that takes a situation more calmer like i dont get mad as much an dont take those things as serious an act more crazy as some people do because they have so much stress on them

  5. the weak,nice guy.i used to be the one who gave in or would forgive to easily.that got me to a point where i lost now its my way or the highway.

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