
What is one characteristic about you.....?

by  |  earlier

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that you know others find attractive about you?




  1. im very trustworthy

  2. i am a `slow water that runs very deep'

  3. i'd like to say its my  personality and set of values but most guys, you know all they can say its " i like your  b***s and your butt" makes me sick when guys talk like cave man! my bf sees beyond that and thats why i love him!

  4. My eyes and my smile.

    I have no problem in that field. LOL

  5. my long s**y legs (and proud of them)

    i have a huge heart (and will do anything for any body/thing)

    i have a great sense of humor  (ive been told)

    and i am very sensitive (that part i hate)

  6.   According to my friends,am very funny.

  7. im sweet

  8. I am usually a very happy, positive person and I get along with everyone. I also give lots of hugs!

  9. My friends say that I'm loyal and have great sense of humor.

  10. My kind, caring, friendly and compassionate nature. I kid you not. I'm a little sweetie.  I know this is more than one but you get 4 for the price of one today.  LOL

    A bit over the top sometimes but I grew up with 4 brothers so I had to be if I wanted to be heard.

  11. my heart! its true

    not too bad on the eyes either! lol

    im kidding! or am i?

  12. i'm a very compassionate person according to my friends.

  13. Anyone can talk to me. I can probably find common ground with just about everyone.  

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