
What is one item u can't live without?

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What is one item u can't live without?




  1. My senses,Good food, good visuals ,s*x,good music ,in any order

  2. oxogen

  3. item? hmmm well i cant live with out my child but my child isnt an ............................

  4. My dog or if you want an "item" then it would be my computer.

  5. huh ! there is nothing like that !!..

  6. Unfortunately, prescription medicines.  I have to have them.

    Qualitatively?  I can't get by without daily laughter.

  7. Una Bonita Catedral

  8. i can't live without kentucky fried kids

  9. given that the essentials (food, water, shelter) are given, then i'd say the one thing i can't live without is a caring person.

  10. shoes, shoes and more shoes!

  11. soap

  12. my debit card...I couldn't eat without it, cause I don't have a license to hunt and I don't have any survival skills

  13. My Vintage Halls' Autumn leaf dish collection

  14. I can't live without answering questions..

  15. hate

  16. food.

  17. My p***s

  18. my credit card, so i can dine out

  19. everything i ve!!

  20. hmmm...

    besides the pc, tv, dvd player, money, and music cds...

    I couldn't live without the item (service provided to all of us whom are here today... the INTERNET!)

    Carpe Diem

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