
What is one memory you have that can make you laugh out loud when you recall it? Why is it so funny?

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What is one memory you have that can make you laugh out loud when you recall it? Why is it so funny?




  1. When I was at my locker and one of my best buds, Kyle, goes bolting at me full speed. The crashes to the floor on his knees right in front of me in a slide. He goes, "TA-DAAAAA!!" I just stared down at him and cracked up for the next like- 5 minutes. I found it funny because it was so weird.

  2. My family and i were camping and i was flying a kite. My dad was videotaping the surroundings and i was walking backwards with the kite and fell backwards into the fire pit!! (there wasn't a fire in it) Yeah, so a memory caught on tape!

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