
What is one of Italy's most popular holidays??

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  1. Like elsewhere, the most important holiday in Italy is Christmas (including Epiphany), then Easter. Those are by large the most popular.

    Then I'd say Ferragosto (August 15), all Carnival period, which often (not everywhere) end Martedì Grasso (Mardi Gras), La Festa del Papà (dad's day), Festa della Mamma (mom's day) Festa della Donna (woman's day), 1° Maggio (Festa del Lavoro, Labor Day), Anniversario delle Liberazione (Liberation Day, April, 25), which of course is strictly Italian, like Giorno della Repubblica (Republic Day, June, 2).

  2. Festa della Donna is crazy....all the girls go out and get crazy...I used to work in a strip club in northern italy as a bartender and that was one of the craziest days of the year...second would probably be carnivale in venice. The world cup every 4th year is pretty nasty too

  3. I think its the festival... like the USA's Marti Gras

  4. Liberation day is 25th April. That is pretty big as celebrates when italy was liberated from the fascists.

  5. We Italians are really Xmas fans. It is definitely the biggest holiday!! But then each city and each little town has its own holiday related to the Saint who protects the particular city.

    The other holiday Italians love is the one on May first, the workers day. We have free great concerts all over the Country. The biggest concert is in Rome and both famous Italian and International singers perform.

  6. i'm itlaian in italy as in all the world the most important holidays are: christmas and easter the the 15 of agoust there is ferragosto and during february there is valantimes day and carnival...., then there are lots of less important holidays like i morti (that should be americans halloween even do we dont go "trik or trating" and its not as much important as it is in america)

  7. Easter.

  8. need more info- italians popular holiday locations for italians or italys famous holiday locations for tourists

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