
What is one of the biggest mistakes you made as a teenager?

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What is one of the biggest mistakes you made as a teenager?




  1. Writing an essay about a high school teacher and showing it to her. It was really sexual and full of rubbish basically. Then I sent her a love letter and stalked her. Basically I was quite mentally ill I think but I wish that I had not done it or someone had stopped me.  

  2. not listening to my mother, her advice now seems so much more i never listened and i should of

  3. lying cheating stealing doing drugs, almost selling my body (ALMOST)

    being a bad friend.daughter and student.

    but I got all the bad things out of hte way by the time I was 19 and now I am at med school and doing really well, hapilly married and have found my morals and how to live by them.

    but still so much regret, I have so many people to apologise to.

  4. Dating my sons father, and being a know it all.

  5. I cheated on my ex-boyfriend with my current boyfriend, and even though the current boyfriend and I are still together after three and a half years I still wonder sometimes if I ruined any chance we had of being happily together "forever" because he still doesn't trust me since he knows "what I'm capable of", even though I had never cheated before and would NEVER again. So yeah... Don't be a cheater, folks. It never turns out well for anyone.

  6. s*x && drugs....

    curiosity is to blame.

  7. a piece of liver, and a old playboy.

  8. I had s*x at 15 and got pregnant. But I love my daughter soooo much, she's beautifull, and know I'm a grammie of a wonderfull 19mth old baby boy!!!  ;-))  

  9. jacking up my credit and not being concerned about school

  10. I didn't believe in myself.  

  11. i made many mistakes so far being a teenager.

    first i snuck out of my house

    asked a guy out and i guess your never supposed to do that so my bad.

    i took things for granted

    i was stingy

    i made fun of people

    didn't stick up for my self

    i let my confidence be destroyed

    and many more

            But the thing is, i made all these mistakes yet i learn from them. it's easy to make a mistake but the hardest part is learning from it. Move ahead no matter what.never look back just keep going forward. many teenagers can be mean and try to drag you down. the thing you do is just don't listen. you shouldn't care what people say.i know it's hard but you have to remind your self your a great person.usually people are mean cause there insecure them selves. so no matter what may be thrown at you' you keep going forward and be can do anything all you need to do is belive.  

  12. Stealing stuff. My success with it basically led to worse crimes and I wound up pretty much ruining my life.

  13. 1 not finishing school having s*x geting pregnant  or a std that you can't get rid of  I.  E.  herpies or aids  

  14. Arsing about during my A level years instead of knuckling down.

  15. p***s, plastic bottle, erection.

    That is all.

  16. started smoking

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