
What is one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to you?

by  |  earlier

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I remember once going to a friend of mine's parent's house and she got out their best Georgian glasses. These were a set of six beautiful cut glass wine goblets; we were playing solitaire with marbles - I dropped one and it went straight through my glass - she went ape! it was awful. I still remember it to this day.




  1. I was about six years old, forgot my PE kit my teacher made me do Gym in my pants, this is in the days before boxers were cool, and I had some horrible Dark Brown & cream Y-fronts on.

    I dont think I have ever recovered from that moment!!!!!! pure torture.  

  2. Years ago in middle school I was going through my "time of the month" and some leakage occurred and showed up on the back of my shorts.  My best friend had to walk behind me the rest of the day (to reduce the chance of anyone seeing my spot).

  3. i remember at first grade in the first day of school. I had a bad stomach ache and very nauseated. I almost reached the bathroom entrance but i puked outside in front of many passing students.

  4. When i went to my friends stables i had told her the week before that i was good at jumping cross country corse jumps at a full gallop and realy i wasnt as amazing that i made myself to be anyway she asked me if i wanted to go to her stables for a hack and of corse when we get ther 2 massive cross country jumps are set up so we tacked our ponies up annd went into the field i was on her chestnut welsh section b gelding and she was on her palomino haflinger mare. then she says to me oh emily your good at this arent you so when weve warmed up our horses you can go first so i got about 8 metres infront of the two jumps that was one behind another and i kicked my horse into canter speeding up to gallop on the way there i cleared the first jump but when we got to the second one my horse got so giddy he jumped higher and faster than he should have done so i was behind the horses movement then all ov a sudden my horse it the floor and i came crashing down hitting my face on the horses neck and then toppling off of the side of my horse when i got up my friend was on her way over the first jump and so i watched her. she did them both lovely and i was so embarressed !!!!!

  5. In the days of boob tubes i moved into a brand new house on a new estate which was still in the process of being built. Walking past a bunch of builders, to my absolute horror, my friend whipped the front of my boob tube down, exposing everything.Never did forgive her for that. *****!!!

  6. My fiance and I were going to college. He lived with five other guys, but at any given time there would be one or two random guys that would stay there for the week. In order to see each other I would have to come over in the early morning between our two jobs and classes. It was that, or we couldn't see each other during the week. He started sleeping out on the couch because his roommate that shared a room with him started a graveyard shift and needed his sleep. One morning, before the sun came up, I had just let myself in to his apartment, and saw that his alarm clock was by the couch so that he wouldn't sleep through class. He hadn't been expecting me so I carefully walked through the pitch black apartment trying not to trip over anything. I wanted to surprise him with a wake up kiss, so I knelt down and started to kiss him. It was turning quite passionate when all of the sudden he went completely rigid. I sat up to see what was wrong and it wasn't my fiance at all. It was some random guy who had just happened to stay overnight. I thought I was going to die! All I could pathetically say was, "Sorry, I thought you were my fiance." His reply? Well, after he stopped laughing and could finally take a breath said "It's all good."  

  7. I pis$ed myself on the london eye. Cmon it lasts for ages and there's no loo :P

  8. Walking down the road and slipped into a small foot sized drain. It was full of dirty water

  9. i fell down a hole in the street :(

  10. Making out with someone and our braces getting attached... how the h**l did that even happen? Yeah we didn't really speak after that lol

  11. When i fell down a rocky hill in front of my class c**p

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