
What is one of your most embarrassing moments?

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ok well he is my recent one for me lol

ok well i was at a family bbq and i saw a playground at the park.

i did notice that there were not any kids on the playground but that didnt stop me from going to play on it. so anyways there was a swing and it was type rusty but i insisted on swinging on it anyways. so as im swinging ( i was really high too) the swing pops and i go flying in the air.. and i landed straight on my behind..and got up with a quickness... trying to make it seem as nothing happened but there was like a million people at the park that day and it was so embarrassing, and they was laughing too

plus im 15 so thats kinda old to be playing on the playground so i deserved what i got.. those swings where not ment for me to be swinging on

i have not been on a swing since that happend

anyways share your story if you could






  1. Okay, so I have a major crush on my bff's brother and I'm pretty sure he knows, which makes this more awkward :( My friend keeps some of her bathing suits in his dresser (Because its huge) So she asked me to go grab one. Well, they used to be in the bottom drawer, but weren't. So I open the top drawer and there are some undies so I figur, maybe they're in here (I keep my bathing suits with my undies) So I push them aside and lok in the bottom of the drawer. JUST AS HIM AND HIS BEST FRIEND WALK IN. I was soooo embarassed! They thought I was looking at his underwear!

  2. a few days ago my friends kidnapped me for my 18th birthday and blindfolded me. i had no idea where i was going, but when we got to the parking lot(it was raining) they were trying to run real fast and i couldn't keep up and the whole time we're running im screaming and cursing(i didn't know we were outside a public place) and i end up falling on my azz in front of people......and my friends said shutup people are starring at you.......and im like i wonder why?! then when we got to the restraunt(still blindfolded) i didn't know we were inside....and i shouted "where the h**l are we?" and they said shutup we're in a restraunt....i was like thanks for telling me. then when we went to sit down(i thought we were sitting in a booth) i was making myself coming and kinda spreading out everywhere and i ended up falling out of the chair in front of a lot of people!!!!! and i could hear them laughing at me......then they finally took the blindfold off.

  3. It was at school, and we were playing kickball. We've been play it for the last past two weeks, and I was getting tired of playing. So, I was up to kick. When i tried to kick the ball I missed and lost my balance and fell, lol.

    Another moment was back in 7th Grade, We were doing short distance running. The area we were running on was cement. When it was my turn, I fell while running, as i fell I twisted my body and landed on my back and ended up sliding across the cement. This happened twice, and it was friday the thirteenth :P

  4. lol mine is when i met this really cute guy(one of my best friends now) but i was really upset cuz he had a gf and when i went to church on wednesday i saw him there w/ his gf(he's one of my friends friend)!!! and i went into the bathroom and balled my eyes out and i just recently talked to him on the phone and then outta nowhere he's like 'were you upset that one day on wednesday?' and i'm like oh god0.0 and hes like 'cuz i realized you just came and left' lol god i was so glad i was on the phone cuz i could actually lie and get away w/ it i was so red and embarrassed lol:P

  5. 8th grade year I told my dad that I was really sick. He made me go to school anyway. I was in first period and could tell I wasn't feeling well. I asked the teacher if I could go to the nurse and she said after we were done with the vocabulary lesson I could. Well, about half way through it I stood up because I knew I was not going to make it and said I'm going to the nurse. I just got out the door and threw up on the floor with my entire class watching me. It was humiliating. Needless to say, anytime I knew I was sick from then on, I stayed home.

  6. we were in health and i was trying to hurry up and get back to my seat after throwing something away. i tried to take the shortcut between these 2 people sitting in their chair and some cabinets. one of the people had their bag on the floor so i tried to step over it and squeeze by them but i tripped over the bag, bumped into the cabinets and flew into my seat which was like 3 feet away. thank god no one noticed but my friends at the table and we all just laughed. i guess everyone thought i was trying to jump in my seat

  7. lol

    ill get bak to u

  8. lol u shoulda been on ve been framed.!! :D

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