
What is one of your pet peeves?

by  |  earlier

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mine is no one beliving me and listing to me.




  1. LOUD people!  You know the ones:  they talk loud on their cell phones and the whole restaurant can hear everything, they always have the car radio on so loud you can't hear conversation, they hit their speakerphone to get a dialtone before they have the number and it just dialtones really loudly for 20 seconds or more til they find the number, etc.  Arrrgghh.

  2. people who think they r all that

  3. when people whistle....drives me up the wall lol

  4. I can only choose one?? Okay...

    To me, one of the most offensive things a person can do is to eat with their mouth open. I find that disgusting and rude. It ruins a meal for me. I will leave the table if that's what it takes to be able to enjoy a meal.


    Hmmm...can I leave one more? This I HATE...all this "urban" language (also called "ghetto"). It's like a foreign language that's not even from this planet. It looks bad and sounds even worse. Does anyone pass English classes anymore? Those people who think it looks or sounds cool are sadly mistaken.

    Oh....all that damned texting when there is an entire keyboard at your fingertips.







    Give it a rest, people (and notice how I actually spelled out the word) can't type just one or two or three more letters? Does it strain your fingers...or your brain...that (also spelled out) much??

  5. I would have to say rudeness.

  6. mine is when people f**t in the kitchen while im eating. its soooo nasty. and when ppl be brushin there teeth and leave tooth paste around their mouth. its annoying!! ahhhh!!!

  7. Mine's when I'm in a situation where I know everyone knows how things are supposed to be done yet they don't do it that precise way and THEN no one expects them to do better AND THEN  I get crapped on for one little mistake.

  8. When people judge you before they know you! and interrpt when your talking. Oh,i cant STAND listening to people chew their food

  9. people who tailgate

    makes me so mad

  10. yeah no one ever beleives me they think i am exaggerating all the time - just coz your life is more interesting than theirs and like you say no one listens to me either - they all think i'm a geek but they just don't get me

  11. Clerks who don't thank you or say hello

    People who don't thank you for holding the door open for them- I know it's wrong but I've taken to actually dropping the second door on them instead when this happens within a set of doors.  

    Rude solicitors and sales people in general- especially ones who change attitudes once they realize you're not buying whatever.  Especially after me being polite and not yelling at or hanging up on them like most people do!

  12. When friends come to my house and they are just plain rude! Not saying who of my friends, but they just don't care! They kick the cat, take stuff without asking, and break things and say, "Oops, well I bet you deserved that." And don't pay for it. Well if you didn't know, they never came back to my apartment again.

  13. when some #$%$@#  constantly says---no what im sayin--no what im sayin--over and over--watch-, someone will put that at the end of their answer..just to p**s me off.--oh , and aks--in place of i cant stand that!!

  14. Tardiness. It drives me crazy!  I am usually early- my parents stressed that being late is rude- keeping people waiting is rude and inconsiderate.  

    I have friends who are ALWAYS late- no matter what!

    One of my friends says 'I am on my own schedule.' I reply, "And, I am on my own as well."  When we worked together at the same place and would meet for lunch she was always late- by the time she arrived,I was finished with lunch and on my way back to work.

  15. When people on the escalator don't walk left and stand right.

  16. People who chew with their mouths open making disgusting noises as they eat.

    It might be petty but it really really grosses me out and even puts me off my food.

    My 2nd pet peeve is when i let people in in traffic and they dont give a thankyou wave. Is it really that hard?

  17. Mine is being told off for something I didn't do. And being mocked. I like being ignored more because I don't like getting attention.

  18. Crumbs in the butter

    Dirty Microwave

    Someone blowing their nose while I am eating

    Someone riding to close behind me or cutting me off

    Being interrupted while talking

    My boss barging into my office and telling me something even tho he sees that I am on the phone....and there are many more...sorry...I know that you asked for just one...I got carried

    Oh one more....talking with their mouth full or smacking while they eat.....

  19. unauthorized people parking in Handicapped areas.

  20. mine is no one beliving me and listing to me. People making a mass

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