
What is one piece of advice...?

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about caring for your baby that you received from someone on Yahoo Answers that you actually used?




  1. lots and lots, but the most important one was when jacob was 10 weeks and I was all in a panic cos I wanted to go out to baby activities and stuff but was too scared that he's cry and I wouldn't know what to do. everyone said to get out as soon as I could cos if i left it much longer it would be so much harder for both of us. So i started the very next week and have never looked back. and jacob came out if his shell and is now the most incredibly social little 7 month old! I shudder to think what we would've both been like by now if I hadn't taken that advice!

  2. When my daughter (my first and only child) was having a lot of pain with teething, i used some tips that the other mommys gave me to help her get through it.

    Thank you to them!!  :)

  3. There's a lot of advice that I pick and choose and end up all just stores itself in my bank of knowledge in my brain :)

    But what helped me alot in the beginning is just the fact that Im not alone LOL

    There are mommy's everywhere doing the same thing I am everyday!

    Im a young mom so I dont have alot of friends with kids..and the ones I do know....are clueless. So coming on here and relating to people is great :)

    There were questions when I asked about my son teething, that helped me out, about his new screatching cry, his fake cough LOL, when he wasnt eating as much, when he wasnt sleeping as much...all the things that seem SOOO worrisome...or not so much  

  4. Finger foods to start my son on when he turned 8 months old. He was chewing and stuff so i thought it would be a good time to actually start him on what i eat for dinner and stuff... instead of storebought, pureed baby food.

    tried some of the things suggested, and my son loved them!

    yahoo answers can be VERY helpful

  5. Several months ago, someone recommended that I check out the Wholesomebabyfood site. I got a lot of good info from it.

    That isn't the only advice that I have used, but it is the first thing that came to mind.

  6. I learned about Baby-led Weaning from the mommies of Y!A. Of course, my daughter was already a toddler when I discovered it, so I haven't had a chance to really practice yet. However, when I have my next child, I fully intend to use BLW.

    So, thanks Mommies!

  7. I love the "creative" answers on here. A lot of times it's easy to find answers to technical or medical questions, but who do you ask when you want to know an appropriate gift for a 1 year old or the best party theme for a 3 year old? Those kinds of questions are priceless on here!

  8. It wasn't so much advice but a certain situation I had in the past and all the mom's were so supportive and nice that it made me feel a lot better :) I thought that was really cool!

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