
What is one special thing you do in Ramadan?

by  |  earlier

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other than eating!!!!!!!




  1. Read the Qur'an during after school, while in school, in a christian-populated school.;...

  2. go to the masjid every night for taraweeh

  3. 5 times pray

  4. Well , first of all I fast ofcourse which is the primary objective of this month. I offer taraweeh prayers with my dad and my brothers. AND whenever I get time I recite the words of ALLAH (Almighty)!!

  5. read the quran whenever I can

  6. Aw mahn, i wanted to say eating :( lol

    Special thing = I make more time for prayers and more time for Allah.

  7. The first thing that came too my head was taraweeh. So there, taraweeh! :)

  8. Giving Zakat

  9. reading the quran and fasting  :)

  10. Ramadan seems to be the only time when I feel I have a proper family. The rest of the year everyone busy at work and school or out and about that we never see each other together and do stuff together. Ramadan is really special because it means I am with my whole family and its very special. :D Yeah so be part of a proper family.

  11. well..i fast <corse>

  12. Keep the fridge to myself.

  13. well it is so special for me to set on one table with my parents at Eftar time, because they would be back from their work, and we would spend more much time togather, not like normal days. we don't have them over lunch.

    and also we watch tv serie called "bab al hara" everynight in Ramdan - that show is so popular in the middle east and it only comes in Ramadan. So everyone set quitly and watch it. =]

    also that there is traweeh.

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