
What is one thing Pagans would like the world to know about them?

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What is one thing Pagans would like the world to know about them?




  1. That our deities are more just, more honorable and

    more benevolent than those which have come (through

    violence and intimidation) to dominate the modern world.

  2. We're not all weirdies, freaks, kooks, crackpots, crazy cat ladies, and psychopaths (as some would assume.)

    Like all groups or beliefs there are a few bad apples in the bunch and a few squeaky wheels, but as a whole?

    Most of us are "normal" people...

    Nurses, lawyers, traffic cops, foremen, receptionists, bus drivers, bankers, teachers, hair dressers, plumbers, architects, psychologists, chefs, stay-at-home-moms...

    Just like you.

  3. It's really hard to choose just one.

    I guess the one that causes the most confusion is that Pagan refers to a group of religions rather than just one and not all Pagans have the same beliefs and practices. For example, not all Pagans are polytheists or not all Pagans are Wiccan. While stereotypes are unpleasant, it's the lumping us all together that is the biggest stumbling block when trying to explain what we believe.  

  4. That the vast majority of Pagan practices are discontinuous* and that Paganism does not refer to a singular movement, not now and not in the past.

    *Not practiced in a straight line from ancient to modern days and passed on unchanged.

  5. That we are just like everyone else.

    We have jobs, send our kids to school, donate to charity, pay our taxes,

    love our families, serve our country, vote, eat turkey on Thanksgiving, shop at Target, watch Monday Night Football, belong to the PTA and stand in line at the Post Office.

    We also honor our Gods and Goddesses, have morals and live by a high standard of ethics.

  6. Oh, goddess!  I only get to pick one?!

    Well if it must be one......


  7. answer: I second Gemma's answer.  Claiming our gods and goddesses are evil won't rewrite history or the cultures. They survive!  

    C - keep your deity and Satan, I ain't into either.

  8. That God loved them enough that He didn't give up on them.

  9. That we tend to be the most trustworthy and honorable, and "good" individuals around, so long as you treat us with the same respect we show you.

    My sister-in-law, a devote christian, and her friends who are also, know I am pagan.  My brother and her were having some problems, I got into the middle, and helped them out A LOT (basically saved their marriage).  My sister in law said her friends claimed I was more christian than anyone else they knew, and they knew full well I was a Heathen.

  10. that organized religion stole everything from them...

  11. I am.

  12. That YES I am what a pagan looks like (jeans, tank top, flip flops and three kids tagging behind me at cheerleading practice for my oldest)

  13. That we're not evil and we don't worship the devil!  Although saying that's not going to convince anyone...

  14. I have to pick only one?

    We don't worship Satan, nor do we worship deities that have tricked us into believing they are not Satan? And that saying our Gods are evil doesn't make it true?

    That ALL modern religions are based on ancient Paganism?

    That God is balanced, male and female?

    That there is no sin, no h**l, and nothing to fear?

    I could go on!

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