
What is one thing people don't?

by  |  earlier

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Don't know about you?




  1. Pretty long list...

    that i was depressed for a really long time

    i was really good at hiding it

    i thought it would hurt them to know i was sad :(

    a lot of people care to much about me to ever think that i'd think of suicide

  2. That I'm g*y lol

  3. Erm. Many people don't know that I'm... a nerd?

    Well, they kind of do. Most don't believe me though.

  4. Most people don't know that I am an athiest.

  5. Well if I told you then it would no longer be a secret.


  6. That I am completely out of my mind.

  7. that i am very emotional.... im very sensitive in emotions, i cry alot seeing sad movies .. xD.

  8. im g*y

  9. That im not as happy as i seem to be.

  10. Some people don't know I'm g*y.

    Nobody knows that I love napping in the rain though.

    But I guess now the secret's out.

  11.   My birth name.  The only people that know are me and my family.  

  12. that i'm bi (only some friends know)

  13. haha. that im bi. its strange how i can tell complete strangers on here, but not my parents :\

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