
What is one thing that Al Gore said about Climate change/Global Warming that means the most to you?

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What is one thing that Al Gore said about Climate change/Global Warming that means the most to you?




  1. Gore is another Chicken Little!

    What he has done is divert attention from real global problems such as malaria which needlessly kills hundreds of thousands every year, and the shame is that many of these deaths were preventable!

    The tens of billions squandered on fighting global warming could have put a mosquito net over every sleeping 3rd world child.

  2. None of it, 90% of what he says is exaggerated, false, or misleading.  

  3. al gore is an idiot and half his movie is false and inaccurate

  4. I was going to paraphrase, but found a quote that summed up my answer very nicely:

    "The good news is we know what to do. The good news is, we have everything we need now to respond to the challenge of global warming. We have all the technologies we need, more are being developed, and as they become available and become more affordable when produced in scale, they will make it easier to respond. But we should not wait, we cannot wait, we must not wait."

    AL GORE, speech at National Sierra Club Convention, Sept. 9, 2005

  5. "The planet has a fever."

    Nobody fails to remember this - they play the quote all the time.    It is a constant reminder that when it was getting warmer they DID call it "global warming" and DID say it meant warmer weather.   When it stopped getting warmer they changed it to "climate change" so they could blame us for bad weather, as if bad weather had never happened before.   They deny that this is a change but "the planet has a fever" reminds us that this is a 180-degree reversal of their story.

  6. The same exact phrase Amy cited above!

  7. I don't listen to Al Gore  

  8. Not one thing!

  9. These were the best lies...

    "in a completely bipartisan way we overcame the threat of communism..." because the threat of communism was overcome in spite of people like him.

    And this lie..

    "Thank goodness we had the foresight to ban these chemicals and cure the problem of the ozone hole..." Which is still there, and as big as it ever was...

    So, if he's willing to tell absolutely complete lies, why should we believe anything he says?

    He still flies around on private jets, rides in big limos, and uses 12 times more electricity than the average american, so what part of his behavior should we imitate?

    Why do you liberals and eco nuts loath yourselves and at the same time think you're more powerful than the sun?

  10. If Global Warming is caused by humans (still a big unknown), then Al Gore said the biggest problem we face is the population growth.  From the current population of 6 Billion people the earth will grow to a projected 10 Billion people in 2050 (that's less than 42 years).

    No matter how much we try to clean up pollution, we are always going to be fighting an ever-increasing number of people on earth - all using petroleum, chemical fertilizers, all polluting.  

    I hear that one fact and think, "Then let's not do something expensive and STUPID". Let's make sure we have a good plan before we panic and start throwing money away.  And right now, I have not heard a good plan!  But I do hear a lot of stupid ideas.

  11. Probably when he said it was a moral issue...

    Well it certainly has its technical facts to consider.

  12. Nothing, global warming is natural. He is using scare tactics to distract you from what's really going on. Yes, we are hurting the planet but the planet goes threw warming and cooling cycle constantly. Just because with in the past 120 years we have had the technology to record it accurately doesn't mean it hasn't happened constantly. Even the other planets are cooling and warming. Mars is warming faster than earth, while Uranus is cooling down. Look on NASA's website to learn more.

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