
What is one thing that you forgot about when planning your wedding? Or something you wish you had done ?

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  1. I wish I had given my photographer a list of pictures we had to have with family members, special friends, and people participating in our ceremony.  It was hard to remember everyone and some people did get left out.  

    I also waited until the last few weeks before the wedding to write our vows, create the wedding programs, and tan.

    Other than that everything was perfect.

  2. I believe when it's right, looking back you won't want to change anything.  That's how I feel.  I loved the whole planning process, the days before and the moments of the wedding.  Even what others would see as flaws, made the memories most grand in my eyes.  Dream big and live large!

  3. I didn't think I cared very much about my dress and got something that I only "liked".  I really look back on it now and wish I had started looking earlier and gotten and dress that I really "loved".

    congrats and good luck

  4. I wish I'd checked to make sure that our speakers worked on battery power.  They were fine plugged in, and so I assumed they'd work with fresh batteries, but at the wedding, you could barely hear the music because the volume was so low.  Not that it was a big deal.  We just wanted to play one song after the ceremony, and everybody was already talking and hugging and taking pictures at that point anyway, not standing around staring and wondering why the music was so quiet.

  5. It's not me but...

    my one of my fiance's closest friends forgot or just plain didn't send out wedding invites for his wedding (its supposed to be in October 08) and he hasn't told his bride.

    I'm waiting to see how this turns out.

  6. Looking back I actually think I would have liked a videographer. They can be somewhat costly, but I think it would have been nice to have a videotape to share with people...especially since a lot of my family lives across the coutry and most could not attend.  

  7. I let my aunt and sisters take over my wedding because I did not want to offend them or be a bridezilla.  I had a beautiful wedding but it wasn't  really what I wanted.  

  8. My father-in-law paid for the hall, so thought he could invite any one that he wanted.  Well it just so happened that one of the people he invited (husband's cousin) doesn't like me, so she made some nasty wishful remarks when it was her turn to wish the couple luck.

    I recommend you go over the guest list when planning wedding.

    I didn't have a wedding rehearsal either, so when it was time for my hubby to take off my garter, I didn't know if I was supposed to sit or put my leg on the chair.  It became a comedy.

    I recommend you have a wedding rehearsal and take notes.

  9. The planning of and the wedding itself went marvelously! However, for me it was a personal thing - my glasses broke the morning of the wedding, so just a warning to brides-to-be with glasses or contacts - have a backup; I didn't!

  10. I had a rather unconventional ceremony at home and I wouldn't change a thing.  All the hoopla of a big wedding doesn't make the marriage any stronger; my small ceremony has been followed by years of a good marriage.  

  11. I didn't forget anything, the only thing I would have changed would be to get a different photographer.  I had chosen, met several times, and paid my photographer in full (not for pics, just for taking pics) and she was supposed to be there 11 AM Saturday morning.  11 came and went and no photographer, we started calling, about 100 calls and almost 2 hours later (we were getting married at 2:30), she finally called back and said she was sick!!  It was horrible!! Luckily, my sister-in-laws sister knew someone who took pictures and they came and took some.  Not the same experience, but it was nice of them.  About 3 or so weeks after the wedding, she FINALLY refunded us our money, when she said she'd send it out the day of the wedding.  

    My advice, don't go with Kole Photography in Anderson, Indiana...  

  12. Have the decorations in green and gold

    and all flowers to be red and white.. is what i did..for my cousins wedding


  13. not waited til the last minute to do some things like my music list, vows, bridesmaids gifts .. the little things that always get put off until they start asking for it back... yea, im there. right now. and i probably should be working on it instead of answering questions. but thats what i do. procrastinate.  

  14. Run the other way

    My first wedding, I gave into everyone else's wishes and it ended up a lot bigger than I wanted.

    My second, I refused to do anything, I just wanted to run off and get a JP. But my mother in law wanted to be I let her plan it. I told her what I was wearing (not a wedding dress) and what my bouquet would look like. She did a beautiful job on a very quaint and low key ceremony and enjoyed every minute of it. It was great...she had a blast since she had only sons and no daughters.

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