
What is one thing that you will eat even though it makes you feel sick later on?

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Mine is usually Denny's sampler plate after a night of drinking lol.But it is so yummy =-)




  1. crow and as far as later on that's better than confronting the beast within for I do not feel sick per say body wise or my mind does not feel cloudy it is only in the reactions that I preform through knowledge that my heart is the journey  I take TODAY I FOUND THE SUN AND THERE WAS PEACE IN THAT HOW EVER AND HOW LONG IT MIGHT OF TOOK FOR ME WELL THE SUN WAS ALWAYS THERE.  some like the sun I CO EXIST WITH THE WAYS THAT PREVAIL THIS LEAVES NO HARDSHIP ON MY BEING THROUGH THE LIGHT THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BOND FOR I AM Twin Dog one who will take the time for in the time is all  


  3. cookie dough.

  4. Greasy fried fish or chicken.  

  5. chocolate!

  6. 5 bars of white choclate

  7. the whole jar of nutella or a whole carton of ice cream usually does it haha

  8. Huge, gooey chocolate ice cream and cake deserts.

    Don't do it often. Not so much because of feeling physically ill, but mainly because of the self-loathing afterward.

  9. I used to eat chocolate even though it made me feel sick, but now I don't eat it because I just don't enjoy it and it makes me feel sick and gives me a headache.

  10. potato chips .

  11. Potato salad

  12. Big Mac, chocolate, bananas... :)

  13. Lately its been ice cream and cake.  Just can't eat the stuff any more. The sad part is that I love it.  My mother-in-law is a cake decorator.  It's always around.  

  14. pizza...Ive had my gall bladder out and cant eat alot of cheese..but occassionally Ill have pizza..knowing Im going to pay for it later lol

  15. fish and chips :'(

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