
What is one thing you don't like about your favorite candidate for president?

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What is one thing you don't like about your favorite candidate for president?




  1. John McCain - his wife's money.  It makes him a target for haters.

  2. The only thing I don't care for is his stand on abortion.

  3. He's too nice. Barack Obama needs to start figuratively punching McCain and the rest of the Republican garbage that calls themselves Americans in the mouth.

  4. He has a Hot Wife

  5. It's not that I don't like it but if he was white he would just win by a landslide & we wouldn't have to explain the truth about all the lies told about him. So it would be easier if he was white but I love this decent, intelligent, energetic man. He made such a great decision picking Biden. I really love everything about the dems. I know more about them & doesn't listen to gossip & trouble makers. I am an intuitive person & I can read things most people don't even know exist. I know if Obama was white he wouldn't be who he is, he wouldn't understand people the way he does so I appreciate that God made him as he is & the he has made the most with what he has been given in life.

  6. That he's not president already.

    Obama/Biden '08!

  7. He's got health issues...thats about it

  8. That he (Obama) is not Hillary.

  9. I always wish Mccain would run for president because he was different from the rest of the politicians and he stuck to his guns. But ever since he got the nomination he has been following what the party wants him to follow and not what he has stood for in all the years that I have been following him.  

  10. I am for Obama.

    The one thing that makes me mad is that he won't really give it to McCain.

    I mean real negative stuff like him being an old forgetful man, and having real rotten judgment.

  11. he doesn't aggressively attack like the republicans do.

  12. He's soft on Border security (but then again what President hasn't been for the last 40 years?)

  13. Obama is a habitual liar and will not answer questions

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