
What is one word for Goat meat and one word for sheep meat?

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It is usually a common mistake we make when we order for goat meat and sheep meat. Many persons do not kno which is which.




  1. Goat - Sheep, what is there not to know?

  2. YUMMY!

  3. goat is chevon

    sheep is mutton (or lamb if it's a young animal)

  4. The meat which comes from goats is referred to by several different names across the world. In the U.K it is usually referred to simply as goat or sometimes kid.

    Chevon has been selected by some as being a cross between the words chevre and mouton. Being French for goat and mutton respectively.

    The words capretto and cabrito are also used but these generally refer to a very young animal, eaten before it has begun to graze and usually cooked whole similar to chicken.

         The terms lamb or mutton are names for the animals or meat of a domestic sheep. The meat of a sheep a year old or younger is generally known as lamb, whereas the meat of an older sheep is mutton. Very young lamb is often called milk fed lamb or sucker lamb.

  5. Your question is not quiet clear enough.  Are you talking about trying to buy sheep or goat meat in the U.S.A.?

    I raise meat goats.  I use to also raise sheep for meat.

    All of my customers are from countries other thant the U.S.A.  

    Grocery stores in the U.S.A. usually to NOT have goat meat.  Most will have sheep.  In the U.S.A. sheep is usually refered to as lamb in the grocery stores.  

    They do not offer the older sheep meat for sale in the grocery stores in the U.S.A., so all you will find is lamb.

    In the U.S.A. there is a great deal of argument about what to call goat meat, among the people who raise meat goats for sale.

    Some want to call it Chevon.  Chevon is a French word....I personally have not sold a goat to a single French person.  Not a single one of my ethnic customers knows the word "chevon," so I do not use it.

    Many goat breeders want to call goat meat "Cabrito."  Cabrito is a Mexican/Spanish word.  Cabrito works if most of your customers are Hispanic.  I sell a goat to about one Hispanic person a year.  The word "Cabrito," does not work for me.

    99% of my customers are Muslim, from Saudi Arabia, and the Central African countries.  I have so many languages being spoken on my farm, there is no "one word" I can choose to represent goat meat that will be recognized by people from other countries.  

    My business card state that I raise "Meat Goats."  Personally, I'd like to call goat meat "Caprine."  Caprine is from Latin, and means "goat."  

    If you are trying to order sheep meat, you need to ask for "lamb" if you want the meat from a young sheep.  If you want the flesh of an older sheep, you need to explain that to whom-ever ou are purchasing from.  The meat from older sheep is much harder to come by in the U.S.A.  There's no demand for it, so it's simply not carried in stores, or by butchers.

    If you want goat meat, simply ask for goat meat.  There is no universal word used for goat meat in the U.S.A.  Almost no stores, and no restaurant in the U.S.A. carry or serve goat meat.  The demand is not the high, so very few will have it.  Unless you are in an area with a high ethnic population, then you may find a butcher with goat meat.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Raising meat goats since 1999

  6. Is it a gyro?

  7. Mutton for sheep meat known every where. Goat meat has no specific name worldwide. it is just goat meat.

  8. I use the same for both. YUKKKKKK!!!

  9. mutton.........n ......beef or chevon ......probably!!

    i dunno correctly..

  10. the meat of sheep is called mutton. goat has many names depending on the country your are from. in spanish young goat is called cabrito and in france and belgium it is called chevon. i am not aware of any common english names for goat unless you are referring to the name kid for young goat.

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