
What is one wrong turn you took in life?

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What is one wrong turn you took in life?




  1. Suicide attempt. Wrong as could be. It is better to remain among the living.

  2. NOT doing anything the only chance that I ever really had with a lady I loved.

  3. The time I tried mary jane.... just wish I didn't have that in my past.

  4. A wrong turn in my life...

    now that I don't think I've done... I may have done something stupid or made a mistake.. but never any wrong turns... I think that all the choices that I've made are well.. I dunno how to put it.. they were made for a reason and I do regret some of them... but it just makes it easier to not make them now, and keep my life going better...

    like if anything I would have liked to go into uni or college right after I finished high school, and/or kept my virginity till marriage...

  5. drugs..but i don't think i'd be who i am or where i am if i hadn't have done that...i guess i don't believe in wrong turns.  i just took the longer route.

  6. I had s*x with someone I didn't really want to have s*x with.  I didn't have enough pride or faith in myself.

  7. Getting married.........I truly believe Men and Women are incompatible.  They're not only from different planets, they need to reside apart.

  8. Choosing to go to a regular highschool instead of one that could take 2 years off my college experience. So in other words I chose taking 8 more years of school instead of 6.

  9. one wrong turn i took in life was telling my bf a man kissed me (im 14) i didnt want to tell him who it was so he said dont call him back he broke up with me i eventually told him who it was i asked if he forgave me he said no i asked if i could call and explained how it happened he said yes he never picked up his phone

  10. Made a left at the last red-light. Compounded with these one-way streets, it's doubtfull I'll ever get back?

  11. Marrying my ex-husband.  I was sooo nervous and scared before the ceremony - I should have listened to that inner voice screaming at me to stop.  I even said to myself "This is a mistake" but then he sent me roses before the ceremony and I thought I was being silly.  When your inner voice is screaming, it's always best to listen.  He ended up being a very bad man with no conscience (and had the papers to prove it!) and our marriage was a disaster.  This time around, I was SURE before I married my sweetie.  I wasn't nervous, just excited before the ceremony.  We've been together 14 years.

  12. its not one with any one in life its every time when we don't listen to our positive voice or inner voice and make our life mess

  13. Drugs, but I'm straight now. :)

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