
What is open gym volleyball?

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yeah, i know this is such a stupid question. but im not entirely sure what it is..

is it when they open the gym and you go to practice skills with a few people? or do they play noncompetitive games? again, i know this is a stupid question, but i really dont know what it is and ive been invited to go to one...




  1. its when they open up the gym and put up a volleyball net for whoever wants to play. you can either practice skill by yourself or if there are other ppl there you guys can do like a scrimmage. its sorta like, you just come in and do whatever you want.

  2. If you go to, you will be able to find some open gym schedules in different area all over the country. It is basically for some community park districts, school/college gyms to provide public access, with little or no fee.

    In my area we have several open gyms with different schedules so that volleyball-addicted people like me can go play pick-up volleyball games when league play is not enough to get them exhausted :)

    For open gym, people usually walk into the gym and sign up to waive liability, and sign into a court (or a team). In my area there is usually only one sign up sheet, you sign at the bottom of all players' list and go play as a six or seven players team, grouped by the list (not at will). Each team can play up to two games, win or lose, up to 25 (or 21, 17, even 11) points depending on how many teams are waiting and how many courts are available. After two games players run to the sign-up sheet and put their names at the bottom to get into the waiting list, which could put you into a different six-player team (if there are less than six in a waiting team).

    In different area competition level could be different. We used to play 6-2 about ten years ago, and now center set at some evenings. Most players have good footwork, some jumps, moderate swing power, and friendly smile. We also watched some middle school kids growing up from serving at the half court, to blocking me with no fear 8-))

  3. uhhhh you go to the gym and play v-ball

  4. Open gym, is when the open up a facility to let people play volleyball.  There are normally no restrictions for ability or age, and you just go out there and play.

  5. at my open gym at the highschool they just practice your hitting in lines, and then we scrimage juniors against seniors and freshman against sophmores, then we play queen on the court or 3 on 3

    it's a good way to brush up on your skills

  6. it is were you can scrimmage other people

  7. It's just having fun playing volleyball.

  8. it's basically a practice that you don't have to go to.

    we have them. :]

  9. M'kay i just got back from open gym so..

    It's Durring Summer and it's Free You wight Lift and Run Laps and Just Basically get Ready For the Season..


  10. When anybody can come and play but the coach cannot give directions. Some pplay in scrimmiges or play queen of the court.

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