
What is organic architecture?

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Does it have to do with plants that grow in a certain way or something?

Links of examples would be helpful thanks.




  1. Well,.Organic architecture has nothing to do with how the plants grow, but how the building grows in its surroundings.It is an idea which was largely put into practice by "Frank Lloyd Wright",the great master architect and various other big names in architecture including Louis Sullivan and Laurie Baker. According to this philosophy, a building evolves from its surroundings and  portrays an integrated image of site and the building itself.Such type of buildings,complement its surroundings and each element from window to flooring goes hand in hand giving a unified look.

    some good examples are opera house,sydney, falling waters  in pennsylvania.etc,

    If you wish to know more,than study about Frank Lloyd wright and his buildings, you might get to understand the idea far more better.

    hope this information helped.

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