
What is organic carbon?

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Does it have any funtion in plant life? If so, how it aids the crops in field?




  1. i don't know exactly but it can be the amount of carbon present on the organic matter present made by the farmers..It helps the soil by providing it the sufficient amount of carbon to make food..Check it frm net..I can even be wrng..

  2. short answer,  organic carbon is the plant.

    If you mean as a soil ammendment, then,  it helps the soil hold water, builds its structure, and also may feed microbes in the soil, witch help the plant grow. The plants don't directly "eat" the carbon, they extract it from the air (CO2). fungi (mushrooms) which are sometimes grouped with plants, will eat the carbon.

  3. organic carbon is any carbon that is found in living material. if theres carbon in trees its organic if theres carbon in carbon dioxide its not organic. etc etc

  4. IT is something that decomposes, such as soil, they are formerly trees, leaves, dead living-things...which are decomposed by bacteria. ..In fact, every living-thing has the element Carbon.

  5. Carbon is one of the most common elements here in the universe and is the single most solid element available by shear quantity. Because of the way the electrons of the atom are numbered and arranged it is a really versatile atom and make us a list of molecules that is long long and so complex it really is staggering. It would make a lot of sense that with two of the other more abundant gaseous elements of hydrogen and oxygen that a whole huge world of activity would surround these. The cycling of carbon is one that is, at least here on this planet, is completely attached to the biological living component of the planet. Here life drives the carbon cycle in what appears at first glance to be an elegant and simple process but is really an incredibly complex juggling, way more complex than the dog and pony show of chemical methane and gas giants. With the living plants (and animals) the movement of energy up and down the system that is life here, and all those really subtle and oddly varied chemicals, hand off the photons of light energy that fuels the system. Carbon is the laborer here. In plants it is cellulose and sugar and amino acids/ proteins, it is the pigments and the chlorophyll and cell walls; and endless list. Plants cycle the gases (CO2 to oxygen to CO2 over and over) and provide a path to mineralization (eventually) and threw all these reactions the energy of the sun is converted from something fleeting and etherial to that which is dynamic and substantial. Without conscious thought nature and life has established a hierarchy, a dynamic multi-leveled cycle that gave rise to us and which we in turn have learned to use in the form of agriculture. By following the examples of nature and our understanding of the carbon cycle we can employ the products of life, and tweak this cycle to our advantage at points that offer us better returns on the harvest of the suns energy. The carbon rich and biologically active soil, the plants in it and the animals on it, we nurture with chemically active carbon-carrying molecules in the form of manure (and all it's intermediate compounds in all their complexity). The plants that grow in this soil take in a cycle the carbon (dioxide) of the air and incorporate it in plant tissues and chemicals with the energy supplied by the sun. How we work and manage that carbon rich soil maximizes our returns from investments in the sun energy. All those transient elements in the water of the soil solution, those active and special dozen minors and the three big major elements that exist as anions and cations, are the facilitators of the carbon for the plants. The CO2 of the air stays in check by plant life, eventually to be put to rest as oil, and coal, and limestone, and is held in balance by the ocean, mainly dissolved as a gas but also by the living component. It is released and used and returned and in our own actions as farmers we manipulate it in a small way. Carbon helps to hold all the elements we use as tools to grow more and to grow better. Those tools are mulches, and manures,cover crops, and even minerals. What they do for the soil is what gives us the edge up we call agriculture. It is all that mineralized and tactile carbon that is the trade of the farmer, the director of the carbon cycle.

  6. These are the main points.For more,look up the website:

    Total organic carbon (TOC) is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound and is often used as a non-specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment.

    Introduction of organic matter into water systems occurs not only from living organisms and from decaying matter in source water, but also from purification and distribution system materials.

    TOC is the first chemical analysis to be carried out on potential petroleum source rock in oil exploration. It is very important in detecting contaminants in drinking water, cooling water, water used in semiconductor manufacturing, and water for pharmaceutical use. Analysis may be made either as an online continuous measurement or a lab-based measurement.

    TOC detection is an important measurement because of the effects it may have on the environment, human health, and manufacturing processes. TOC is a highly sensitive, non-specific measurement of all organics present in a sample. It, therefore, can be used to regulate the organic chemical discharge to the environment in a manufacturing plant. In addition, low TOC can confirm the absence of potentially harmful organic chemicals in water used to manufacture pharmaceutical products. TOC is also of interest in the field of potable water purification due to disinfection of byproducts. Inorganic carbon poses little to no threat.

  7. The very definition of organic means that is something that contains carbon. Which in turn means that it is living or was at some time in the past was living either plant or animal life. That includes oil and coal products, they are organic and made up of mostly former plant life and some animal life.

  8. humus, peat moss, left over decaying matter in the soil from previous life forms.   It is quite plentiful on this planet. Probably the reason why life (of any sort) exists.

    Coal is another form of carbon, but more a mineral.  Not readily useable by plants.

      Not found everywhere.  None on the moon- no life forms found.   On Mars,  testing is underway.   Carbon gives the plant structure(carbon based).  It holds the soil together, it holds water so that the roots of the living plant can extract it.

      Humans and all animals and fish and insects are carbon life forms.    So far, we are the only  planet that has carbon around.   Ours and most others being made up of mostly iron/nickel.

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