
What is organic chemistry?

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1. what is organic chemistry?

2. is it good or bad? Why?

that's all. I have to write a paper and I am still not sure what organic chemistry is and whether it is good or bad.

your help is appreciated.




  1. Organic chemistry deals with chemicals involving organic material/life such as hydrocarbons.

    Its good b/c their is life as result of these chemical reactions.

    Also there are fuels b/c of it. This is a good thing but some might say it is bad to have fossil fuels. But your basic combustion reaction deals with hydrocarbon.

  2. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of the carbon atom with an oxidative state of four.  saturated carbon compounds are ones where all of the oxidative states are filled with another carbon or hydrogen.  The more complex compounds are the ones that support life such as protein, fats, and carbohydrates.  These all contain oxygen in addition to the carbon and hydrogen.  all proteins contain nitrogen and sulfur.  Many also contain various minerals that make them function in living organisms.  

    Organic chemistry is definitely good because without those complex compounds, especially proteins, we would not be here.  

    Some of the materials that man has synthesized are toxic but most are very beneficial.  Natural organic compounds such as strychnine and the various mold toxins such as aphlatoxin are toxic at very low levels, but these are naturally occuring compounds.

  3. the chemistry of compounds of carbon mainly carbon and hydrogen and sometimes O,S or N

    GOOD, studying organic chemistry helps figuring out new medicines and improving old ones

  4. Organic chemistry is the study of all things made of carbon, which is all living things, plants and animals and the products formed after their death.  These things like organic matter, oil, coal. etc.  The only thing that you could consider bad about it is if you are taking a course in organic chemistry.  Most people find it difficult to study.

  5. Organic chemistry deals with matter that is made up of Carbon and Hydrogen atoms. I don't think you can call it bad at all, because if when we study the unknown we aquire more knowladge, and expanding our perception of the universe is good!

  6. What is organic chemistry?

    Anyone who has any interest at all in the machinery of living things will have to deal at some point with organic chemistry. Living things are composed of organic compounds, from molecules of very simple structure such as the first synthesized organic molecule, urea, to those that are astoundingly complex, like the long DNA strands that store our genetic information. It is not without reason that medical schools often look to see what grade an undergraduate received in sophomore organic, because, without risking hyperbole, one could say that organic chemistry deals with the secrets of life itself -- secrets that researchers have been trying to uncover in the search for better and cheaper medicines, for creating more enviromentally-friendly plastics, for devising materials to make smaller and faster computer chips, and for many other purposes whose aim is to improve our standard and quality of life.

    The term organic chemistry refers to the study of compounds that contain carbon, although it is important to remember that the branch "organic chemistry" is simply an arbitrary divisor, that the same laws that apply to inorganic molecules apply just the same to organic molecules. This connectivity in the branches of chemistry is a relatively new idea, as organic molecules were once falsely thought to contain from some kind of "vital life force" that other molecules did not have (a theory that has met hard times ever since Wohler disproved it by synthesizing the organic molecule urea from inorganic starting materials). Despite the downfall of this theory of vitalism, we still keep the old dividers of chemistry, dividers that make up the physical and the inorganic and the biochemical--but these barriers are slowly beginning to dissolve, and are kept today mainly for focusing the material to be studied in a given course.

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