
What is our most important source of physical,mental and spiritual energy?

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What is our most important source of physical,mental and spiritual energy?




  1. Error.

    Please rephrase your question so that it makes sense.

  2. 1] Patience, 2]Tolerance, 3]Able to understand, 4]Being compassionate and give within your means.

  3. Love..

  4. people that around us, our actions feelings

  5. Light

  6. Hope

  7. Soul (Atma)

  8. awareness






    whatever it is for you!

  9. Constipation.

  10. Tang

  11. Sorry, Lakely. It is this elevation of the SELF to the font of all energy, which has brought our world to this sorry pass.

    I agree with those who feel that the collective (people around us, the universe, synergy or whatever) is what makes us what we are - human beings. With compassion, understanding and connecting, we remain human, and yet retain our inner integrity as individuals.

  12. The only source of physical,mental and spiritual energy is the Self, or the "I Am." (it's the inner light as the person above said)

    Socrates said it like this: "Know Thyself." He was speaking of the real Self, the "I Am" of who you are. Seek that first.

    This online resource will explain that inner treasure: And don't be diverted because of the title... this WILL answer your question, and suggest how to tap into that Self for energy of mind and spirit.

  13. This is actually a very good question. Most people here don't have a clue, lol. Love and Atma were close answers. Your question can not be answered through Western Society beliefs since Christianity and Science do not recognize 'spiritual energy'. You probably know that since your ID is Hindu, lol. So let me indulge you, as Shiva does to Parvati and her good questions also....

    Your answer must come from other more ancient wisdom traditions such as Aruveyda/Hinduism or Traditional Chinese Medicine/ I-Ching/Taoist philosophy. No doubt there are Native American, African, Jewish, Sufi, etc.. corrolates also.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM), is tens of thousands of years old as a system of medicine and philosophy, and comes from the I-Ching. According to TCM, there are 3 fundamental frequencies or vibrations of life-force.  They are 'Jing', 'Qi' and 'Shen'. In English that would be gross physical energy, like electricity or food for Jing. Qi energy is a more subtle life-force used in Acupunture, Tai-Qi, Qi-Gong.  It is called 'prana' in Sanskrit by the Hindus. Shen is spiritual energy, the highest and most subtle of them all.

    In TCM, the physical energy in a person or animal comes from 'Pre-Natal Qi' and 'Post-Natal Qi'.  Prenatal Qi is the life-force 'bank' or resevoir an animal or human is born with.  It is finite. Once it is depleted, the organism dies.  Post-Natal Qi comes from the food the organism/animal/human ingests. The life-force and life-giving energy from food, (indirectly from the Sun), sustains the body through-out its life, and is another source of energy for the physical body.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine, including it's principles in Martial Arts, (the more advanced, secret and esoteric levels), also teach ways to obtain energy directly from the sun, the stars, the moon, the 5 elements (wood, air, metal, water, fire and earth), plants, etc. No doubt the higher levels of Aruyvedic and Vedic spiritual and medical practices have the same 'technology'. Aruyveda, for example, have 'Marma' points which are virtually the same as acupunture points. Advanced forms of Martial Arts utilize Qi in defense and offense, both internally and externally.

    Shen, is spiritual life-force.  This one is more difficult to explain. Generally if you study the Vedic scriptures regarding the Tattvas, you will discover the break-down, or 'gearing-down' of this ultimate, highest form of life-force, from God, or Atma, Shiva, The Lord, etc...down to the mental, emotional and physical planes of existence and action. The Tattvas elude to the paradoxical ability of God to be God, and at the same time, all the 30+ levels of the Tattvas at the same time; transmuting down to the physical gross matter, while remaining of the highest, most subtle energy and source of energy in the existant and non-existant universe, (quantum/virtual).  Advanced yogi adepts, gurus and other equally pure, holy beings are able to sustain themselves mostly or completely through Qi and Shen level energy sources. An example are the 'Breatharians', who have mastered the skill of certain yogas regarding the breath in finding life-force sustainance for prolonged periods of time. Advanced Yogis and Siddhas can transmute Shakti into life-sustaining energy.

    On a final note, Hindu scriptures and the writings of its saints indicate there are only 5 true sources of divine energy: scripture, directly from God, nature, the Satguru, and inferred sources such as divinely inspired arts & sciences.

    Om Shanti

    Rev. Devi

  14. because we want to live in this world, this desire to live is the main source.

  15. the universe people call it god.

  16. The Sun.

  17. all. without one the other fails

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