
What is our president doing now about global warming?

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What is our president doing now about global warming?




  1. I'm with DynaFlow on this... Global warming is beyond our control.

  2. this country has bigger things to worry about then global warming. if our country keeps going down like it is we are going to wish global warming took us out.

  3. We hope nothing as it doesn't exist.

  4. I think he turned on the air conditioning in the Oval Office....

    DynaFlow and evilJ....You have to realize we are ALL going to have to do our part. If we wait for the government or someone else to do it, it is out of control. What have you done? Have you cut down on driving? Have you changed to CFL bulbs in your house. Do you recycle? ....There's a long list of INDIVIDUAL steps we ALL can take. It has to start somewhere. Its a sacrifice we need to make to preserve the wellbieng of our children and grandchildren and the future of the planet itself.

    Hog've got the right idea!

  5. That's not the President's responsibility

  6. He has many options.

    Global warming is a mass delusion shared by the great majority of scientists who have looked into it.

    I'm certain that I'm twice as clever as most scientists who have spent years coming to their erroneous conclusions.

    I go along with the really clever ones who are employed by credible employers, such as Shell and Exxon.

    I think the prez should pretend to be concerned, just to be kind those scientists...

    and then do nothing, unless there's room to give a gov contract to Haliburton, or one of those other humanitarian organisations, just to look into it all.

    Or maybe he could blame global warming on Iran, and invade them to destroy their infernal weather machines.

    Anyway, we know for sure that anything he does will be for the good of humanity, he is a Christian, after all.

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